
‘The Mandalorian’ Season 3 is already happening at Disney. Like, no shit, right?

the mandalorian season 3

The Mandalorian Season 2 ain’t dropped yet! But, that hasn’t dropped Disney from beginning work on a season 3! It makes all the sense in the world, given the fact that The Mandalorian has managed to unify all the disparate parts of Star Wars fandom for the first time in a hot minute.

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Disney is celebrating ‘Star Wars Day’ by dropping ‘The Mandalorian’ documentary series. Oh fuck yeah!

disney plus the mandalorian documentary star wars day

Friends, Disney is dropping a documentary series about The Mandalorian on Star Wars Day. You know, I typically think Star Wars Day is lame as fuck. An excuse for dudes who wear airbrushed Star Wars t-shirts to go “dur, dur, May the Fourth Be With You!” and shit. But now this year? I’m actually excited.

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‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2 adds motherfucking Michael Biehn as a bounty hunter. Oh. Hell. Yes.

the mandalorian season 2 michael biehn

Michael Biehn is coming to The Mandalorian, motherfuckers! The absolute bad ass from Terminator and Aliens is joining the show as a bounty hunter.

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Rosario Dawson is playing motherfucking Ahsoka Tano in ‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2. Please, society, don’t collapse!

ahsoka tano rosario dawson the mandalorian

Man, I’m really hoping we can pull through this pandemic. Selfishly, just for pop culture reasons. I mean, Rosario Dawson playing Ahsoka Tano in The Mandalorian Season 2? Fuck to the yes. As well, I know it feels sort of silly to get excited about pop culture news these days. But, it may be the necessary distraction, and the light at the end of the tunnel to keep us all sane.

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‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2 is dropping this October. Eight months until more gunslinging with The Child!

the mandalorian season 2 october

We got a release date, baby! The Mandalorian is returning this October. And deeply I’m ready for more of this show, my dudes. Especially since it was such a perfect antidote to the fully-loaded diaper that was Rise of the Skywalker.

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‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2 is dropping Fall 2020. This is the way (to give me a boner)!

the mandalorian season 2 fall 2020

The Mandalorian season 2 got a release date! Fall 2020. I ain’t seen the season finale of The Mandalorian yet. So, no fucking spoilers! But, I’ve been fucking obsessed with the first seven episodes. Some ups-and-downs, but overall? The Star Wars I’ve been hankering for since 1999. Therefore, this motherfucking news has me torqued.

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Weekend Open Bar: Hoth by any other name!

weekend open hoth by any other name

Mother. Fucking. Yes! It’s the Weekend, friends! Kick off your pants, pick up your preferred drink, and get your ass around the hearth! This is the latest edition of the Open Bar! And man, it feels good to be here. Why? Cause, it’s the last fucking Weekend of the semester, baby! As well, it’s been a long, dark, cold, snow-filled week!

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Weekend Open Bar: Days of Future Past

weekend open bar days of future past

Well, it’s official, motherfuckers. Blade Runner is the past. Instead of being a clarion call about the direction we were heading, it’s now officially yet another warning wasted. But, hey! What the fuck can you do. I suppose continue sallying forth towards our inevitable destruction. Or at the least, towards Blade Runner 2049. An equally foreboding portent.

But, the good news! You don’t have to do it alone. As long as the Space-Ship Omega is humming through the digital cosmos, you have a hearth to call your own. As, every weekend, we gather around said hearth. For the Open Bar!

Within these walls, around this hearth, we share what we’re up to during a given weekend. And, I hope you’ll join me! What the fuck is happening this weekend in your life? Are you playing some Fallen Order? Stressfully picking up accouterments for Thanksgiving dinner? Diligently scouring Black Friday ads for where you’re going to inevitably punch a grandma in the tits over a TV?

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Monday Morning Commute: In the Glow of the Great Uniter: Baby Yoda

monday morning commute in the glow of the great uniter baby yoda

Man, it’s Baby Yoda’s world! We just living in it. The little green fucker has taken over our pop culture zeitgeist and for good reason: they’re equal parts adorable and fantastic. How the fuck you doing, friends? Hope you’re hanging in there. I’m in the dregs of the semester, pulling myself through the shit-flecked glass shards that is the last few weeks of the Fall.

But! It ain’t all hopeless. I got a lot of things to look forward to this week. And next! And, Baby Yoda is at the center of my glowing existential heartbeat. Every moment between now and Friday is just time to burn until the next episode of The Mandalorian.

Anyways, this is Monday Morning Commute! I hope you’ll join me in listing what you’re enjoying this week. What you’re looking forward to enjoying. And, anything and everything on your pop culture mind.

I’ll go first!

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Weekend Open Bar: A Cyberpunk Party, Baby!

weekend open bar a cyberpunk party, baby!

Hey friends! It’s time for the Open Bar! The chance to hang out with the denizens of Space-Ship Omega throughout the weekend! In fact, it’s the only place and chance to hang out with (Bateman and) me this weekend! I know, I know. Will we ever stream again?

We will next weekend!

And the following week, we got a special stream on Thanksgiving! Seriously!

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