
Weekend Open Bar: Loki-ing For A Good Time

It’s been a hot fucking minute since I rattled off one of these diarrhea-blasts of existential enormity, no? But I’m here right now, ready to plunder your holes with my textual absurdity. Let the ole cyber-tongue rattle around and find where it gets you good. I’m not saying you know that I’m good for, but if you’ve found this post you probably already know me. Yes? Fucking yes!

How has everyone been doing? I’ve been surfing along the astral-plane and simultaneously tethered to this rot-ass meat-space like the rest of ya’ll. When I’m not high and surfing the Beyond with Bateman or my Wife, I’m trudging through a miserable remote summer class.

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Kevin Feige’s ‘Star Wars’ movie is going to be written by ‘Doctor Strange 2’ and ‘Loki’ writer. Oh yeah, that movie!

kevin feige star wars movie doctor strange 2 loki writer

Man! Remember eons ago, when it felt as though Kevin Feige’s Star Wars flick was the one beacon of hope for the franchise. My word, has fucking shit turned around! However, I’m still fucking stoked for the movie, now that I have been reminded it exists. Reminded by what, you ask? The news that Feige’s Star Wars movie will be written by the Doctor Strange 2 and Loki writer. Hey! Nice!

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Marvel dropped a teaser for their Disney+ shows during the Super Bowl and it has me torqued

I am definitely embarrassed at how hard I fucking marked out during this teaser, friends. But, fuck. All these shows look wild.

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Marvel’s ‘Loki’ TV series lands ‘Rick and Morty’ writer as its goddamn showrunner. Man, this is gonna be good, ain’t it?

loki series rick and morty writer

I really, really want to not give a fuck about the Marvel shows heading to Disney’s streaming service. But, the motherfuckers don’t fight fair! I mean, a Rick and Morty writer as the showrunner? Fuck.

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Loki, Scarlet Witch, and other Marvel heroes getting TV series on Disney’s streaming service. I say, goddamn!

loki scarlet witch disney streaming

Disney continues to make a serious fucking case for signing-up for their streaming service. Oh, you don’t fuck with their Star Wars show? Well, how about shows starring some of your favorite MCU staples?

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First Look: Loki’s costume in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’

Loki’s in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’, confirmed by Tom Hiddleston set photo

He’s back!

A photo posted by Tom Hiddleston (@twhiddleston) on

I sure hope Marvel wasn’t trying to keep Loki’s presence in Thor: Ragnarok a secret. I’m imagining they aren’t, since, you know, Hiddleston just up and shared an image of himself dressed as the character on the set of the third film.

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‘Kong: Skull Island’ SDCC Trailer: Loki versus the Colossal Ape

Check out the SDCC trailer for Kong: Skull Island!.

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Next Marvel One-Shot Short Flick is “ALL HAIL THE KING.”

They Like Loki.

The next Marvel one-shot that’s arriving in tow with the Thor: The Dark World release is going to be titled “All Hail The King.” Anyone who has seen said movie has a pretty good goddamn idea who is going to be the star of the one-shot. Unless Marvel is trolling our asses, having quietly obtained the rights to Army of Darkness. Which would be the gnarliest thing ever. Ash for the Avengers Movement, please.

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In new ‘LOKI’ comic he’s BISEXUAL, SWITCHES GENDERS occasionally. Rock on.

Loki. What a babe.

Not even going to say much. Other than I love this. And if you ever spend time on Tumblr, you know this news makes perfect sense in relationship to Loki’s fandom. Sign me up.

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