
Views From The Space-Ship: Guided By Lines

Guided by lines, both seen and unseen! Gather around, my darling. My little fat-fanny’d babes! Check out the visual manifestations of various happenings in my life across the past week. Specifically of my parents’ dog (Charlie) we watched, and a new mountain bike trail Bags and I rocked (the Landlocked Forest)!

This is Views From The Space-Ship!

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Views From The Space-Ship: Milk Was A Bad Choice

Goddamn, is it ever fucking hot out. I mean, look at a map of the United States (and the UK, and Europe, et cetera) and you’re just seeing nuts-meltingly high temperatures. Not good, Rob. Not great, Bob! Fucking Hell. It’s a race between Catastrophe and Mild Catastrophe when it comes to this planet, and goddamn do I hope the latter wins. Cross your fingers, legs, and genitals.

Here are some Views From The Space-Ship for Your Eyes.

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Monday Morning Commute: What It Portends

Lucy’s been sleeping a lot more in her dirt holes this summer. Outside, conked out, oblivious to the dirt she’s covered in. Oblivious to the inexorable march of time that has her sleeping more. Oblivious to a lot of things.

It’s adorable, her sleeping in the dirt holes. I don’t have a problem with her doing so, even if she tracks dirt, dust, and the random errant branch into the house.

It’s what it portends.

I’ve been staring a lot more in the mirror lately trying to understand the face looking back. My nose is sharper. My eyes a bit more wearied. Not the face that I picture when I close my eyes. I told my wife that I was concerned I was aging. Bad news, she said. We’re all aging. I clarified that I was concerned I was aging poorly. No, she said. She told me she enjoyed the chin of my beard going gray. I suppose I don’t mind it the grays themselves.

It’s what it portends.

Last week the head of my department called me up. Asked me if I’d be willing to teach a different course, for my fourth course of the semester. You see, the sections of my usual course weren’t filling up. It’s all a numbers game. Hell yeah, I told him. I’d be happy to. In fact, the course he proposed was something I was interested in teaching in the Fall. It isn’t really the switch of the course that concerns me.

It’s what it portends.

Last week, I had to go to my therapy session equipped with the answer to her question from the prior one. She wanted to know what life would be like if I woke up one day “completely healed” of my mental maladies. She called it the magical serum question. I spent a good amount of the week leading up to the session thinking about her homework assignment.

The truth is, I don’t think I really had a good answer. But I told her I want to be able to live in the moment more. To be present. It’s not a particularly stunning revelation, not a particularly eye-opening wish, especially for someone with anxiety. But as the week passed, and I found myself saddened at my dog’s life winding down, or at my own face in the mirror, or at my potential course load down the line, I realized I was tired. Tired of always asking myself.

What does it portend?

This is Monday Morning Commute.

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Views From The Space-Ship: Pour One Out For Summer

desktop thursdays pour one out for summer

Man! I haven’t done a Desktop Thursdays since January? My bad, my bad. If I’m being honest? I missed it! I hope you missed it too! If you’re new to this (and let’s be honest, everyone here is old), this is the weekly invitation to share glimpses into your world! It can be your desktop! Your desk! Some bomb-ass photos of your house, or a local hangout. A community communing!

I’ll go first, per usual! Join me in the comments!

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Views From The Space-Ship: god damn it!, we’ll make it if you believe

desktop thursdays we'll make it if you believe

You fucks, you want a little look into my world? Into the sundry happenings, peoples, and animals that populate my existence? Then, good goddamn. You’re in the right place. This is Desktop Thursdays! Your glimpse into my world(s)! And, I hope you’ll share a look into yours in the comments section!

The following installments cover, good god, from November 1 until January 24! I, I gotta be better with these.


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Views From The Space-Ship: Anytime, anyplace!

desktop thursdays anytime

It’s Thursday, my dudes! And, my god, is it fucking late. Taught during the day, then I tutored for four hours straight, and then I worked out for three hours straight. Which is to say, I’m tired! But, I didn’t want Thursday to pass without dropping a new Desktop Thursdays! So, let’s sprint through these looks at my world! Then, share glimpses into your own realities in the comments.

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Views From The Space-Ship: something of a green thumb

something of a green thumb!

I saw this really funny Onion article the other day. Its headline was something like, “Blogger apologies to fan base for not posting in a while.” You know, making fun of the self-importance dongs like me can feel. But, I promise you I don’t feel anything like that. However, I’m still not going to apologize to you fuckers. Instead, I’m just going to hit you with the first Desktop Thursday in like, a month! I hope your summer is going well. Mine has been fantastic. The precise sort of recuperative effort I needed, following a rather trying Spring semester. That said, it’s about to fucking end soon, and I don’t know how I’m going to handle it. Well, I hope! Fantastic, I plead!

Anyways, none the less. Check out some images from my life. Share your own in the comments.

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Views From The Space-Ship: you can almost smell it

desktop thursdays you can almost smell it

It’s Desktop Thursdays! On a Friday! Per usual! I’m slime, I’m tardy, I’m tardy slime, but I’m your tardy slime, no? Anyways, anyhoo. Here it is! A private look into my life, for the entire internet. Rewriting the concept of private, but, if nothing is private anymore, maybe everything is private? Or maybe I’m just too amped up on a good night’s sleep, hundreds upon hundreds of milligrams of caffeine, and the juice of nice weather to make sense.

None the less, check out this glimpse! Then, share your own in the comments.

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Views From The Space-Ship: pleasantries

desktop thursdays pleasantries

It’s another Desktop Thursdays! I know it’s a week late! And yet, I’m actually posting it two weeks in a row. That’s gotta count for something, right? None the less, whether you agree, or disagree with my rationalization, I hope you’ll check out some views from my universes. Then, share your own in the comments section!

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Views From The Space-Ship: My Happy Place


Goddamn, it’s been more than two months since I rocked your calamitous bowels with a Desktop Thursdays? As Jeff Bridges said in The Fly, life finds a way to get in the way. But, I’m here now! And, I’ve got some glimpses into my existence for you fucks. I hope you’ll join me in the comments section, sharing looks into your world(s). Be they tangible, intangible, existential! If not, no worries. Enjoy the glimpse, and I’ll enjoy the artifacting of my own existence. I’ve been rummaging through previous entries into this column, and it’s fucking wild to see me in the various stages of my life.

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