
‘Control’ getting co-op spin-off game. Eh. Also getting a bigger-budget sequel. Hell yeah!

control spin off big budget sequel

I don’t really give a fuck about a Control co-op game, but I could end up eating those words. However, I am deeply, deeply stoked about the bigger-budget sequel that has also been announced. Gimme me all the fucking Control sequels, bro.

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Weekend Open Bar: The Super Covid Serum!

wb the super covid serum

It’s official, comrades. Members of the Space-Ship Omega. The COVID-19 vaccine is currently coursing through my veins. Building antibodies. Shuffling me towards a day when I may return to the movies, watch sports with friends, and attend concerts. Build, antibodies! Build! Swell up, teach my body how to karate-chop this fucking virus. Missile dropkick the son of a bitch! Get big, get strong, get ready for me. ‘Cause Imma put your serum-ass to the test in three weeks or so.

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Monday Morning Commute: Coming Alive

What’s up, friends? I must admit I created the column’s title and image above yesterday, when I was feeling decidedly much better. Today? On Tuesday? I don’t know man, I’m fucking tired. Slept like shit. Sam’s been waiting for a call regarding her potential job, so the entire house is feeling them stressed vibes. Teaching? A fucking grind!

But it ain’t all shitty, you know? The Super Covid Serum continues to work in my meat-bag, and I’m looking forward to passing the the two-week mark next week. Then I will be invincible! Capable of downloading 5G directly into my brain, scaling the tallest buildings, and communing with my God-Emperor, Bill Gates!

Anyways, I’m sorry I’m complaining! Let’s hang the fuck out, fellas! Fellas of any gender! Species! This is Monday Morning Commute! Per the column’s ontological imperative, I’m about to give a rundown of what I’m digging this week! Then you’re gonna join me in the comments section.

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Epic publishing next games from the developers of ‘Control’ and ‘The Last Guardian’

epic publish next games dev control the last guardian limbo

Epic Games has gone into a publishing deal with one of my favorite developers, Remedy Entertainment. As well, they’ve locked up the publishing rights to the next games from the developers of The Last Guardian and Limbo.

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Remedy announces ‘Control’ getting its first major expansion ‘The Foundation’ on March 26. Back to the Oldest House!

remedy control the foundation

Control is awesome. I want more Control. All the Control. So, I’m fucking stoked for The Foundation. More mind-bending narrative. More tight gameplay. More of the Oldest House.

Check out the teaser after the jump!

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Weekend Open Bar: High Flying and High Fiving!

weekend open bar high fiving and high flying

Oh yeah, motherfuckers! It’s time for high fiving, and high flying! At least for Bateman and me! Tomorrow night we’re going to a Halloween party, and with the lede in mind, you can guess who we are going as! And I’ll confess, I’ve never been closer to having a mustache. And I’ll confess, it terrifies me.

If you’re good, you’ll get pictures. Unless it terrifies you as well, in which you’ll get pictures if you sin.

Anyways! Anyways. This is Weekend Open Bar! It’s the hangout that hits every weekend, imploring you to spend some time with me aboard the Space-Ship Omega.

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Monday Morning Commute: Please Stand By

monday morning commute please stand by

You know how fucking long OL has been around? This ain’t the first time I’ve used “Please Stand By” as a MMC title. That said, it felt apropos as fuck, so I’m rolling with it. As well, I must confess, I didn’t realize I was reusing it until the url generator inserted a 2, but here we are.

Straight-up? I miss you fucks! The semester hit, and blammo! I fucking disappeared in a cloud of dust. I suppose it’s to be expected, but I suppose I don’t think it’s acceptable.

Oh sure, I share articles. And, like, one or two of you appear to comment. But, a good old-fashioned fucking Monday Morning Commute where we hang out? Shoot the shit about what we’ve been enjoying? Been too long. Far, far too fucking long.

So, I hope you meanderers, lurkers, and longtime friends come out in the comments section!

Here’s what I’ve been digging since the last installment.

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‘Control’ DLC teases ‘Alan Wake’ crossover. I’m so fucking horny for this!

control alan wake expansion

Alan Wake is an all-time favorite game of mine. I’ve pined for a sequel for years! Oh, for years. Meanwhile, Control is one of my favorite games of this generation. So, sweet Jesus, Remedy is going to have their two franchises collide? I’m losing my cool.

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Weekend Open Bar: Nightmare on Omega Street!

weekend open bar nightmare on omega street

Hey friends! I’m kicking open the doors to the, uh, Open Bar right quick! Trying to light the lanterns, dust off the chairs, and throw some gasoline on the hearth before Mrs. Omega gets home! So, quickly! You probably know the conceit! The Universe is Dark and Full of Horrors. But, it can feel a little less dire through the power of Hanging The Fuck Out Together. And every weekend I invite each and every member of the Space-Ship Omega to spend time together!

Share what you’re up to! Lighting some fall candles? Share what you’re looking forward to! Seeing It? Share what’s on your mind! Be it a fanciful meme, or a provocative gif.

There is, as always, one golden rule: god dammit, you’ve got to be kind.

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Monday Morning Commute: Autumatic Boner!

monday morning commute autumatic boner!

I’m one of those generic-ass motherfuckers who really enjoys Spooky Season, friends. Though, I ain’t alone it seems. There seems to have been a real surge in the amount of people appreciating Autumn. Maybe it’s because we, as a culture, are embracing the end of all things. The North is melting. The forests are burning. Fascists run rampant in governments. What does that leave us to do?

Worship skulls. Stick dead leaves in our ass and scream at the infinite void. And, spend time with one another. A community of those if not eagerly, at least expectantly, awaiting the Eschaton.

Anyways! Welcome to these parts. Here? It’s Monday Morning Commute! The rundown of what we’re all looking forward in a given week. Aside from, of course, the End of All Things.

So come one! Come all! Let’s hang out.

I’ll go first.

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