
‘Watchmen’ is cable television’s most-watched new show of 2019. Good, because it’s also the fucking best.

watchmen most watched new show

Lots and lots and lots of people are watching the Watchmen. And goddamn does that make me happy, because it’s some of the best television I’ve seen in years.

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Weekend Open Bar: Hoth by any other name!

weekend open hoth by any other name

Mother. Fucking. Yes! It’s the Weekend, friends! Kick off your pants, pick up your preferred drink, and get your ass around the hearth! This is the latest edition of the Open Bar! And man, it feels good to be here. Why? Cause, it’s the last fucking Weekend of the semester, baby! As well, it’s been a long, dark, cold, snow-filled week!

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Long Weekend Open Bar: Eternal Thanks to JCVD for this Mini-Vacation!

weekend open bar eternal thanks

Eternal thanks to JCVD, I’ve fucking made it to this mini vacation. Thanksgiving to the Man Himself, you know? I woke up this morning on the start of my Long Weekend, and, fuck. I actually slept well. It’s amazing how glorious emerging from a deep slumber is, especially when there’s no alarm clock awakening you. I hope you’re as fortunate enough as me to be embarking on your own mini-vacation.

And if so, I hope you’ll spend some time during it here at the Open Bar.

Sharing what you’re going to be doing amid this temporary Oasis. Eating so much you gotta pop your top button? Catching-up on Watchmen, or sweating The Mandalorian? Rock fighting the elderly for a PS4 Pro bundle on Black Friday? I want to know!

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Weekend Open Bar: Days of Future Past

weekend open bar days of future past

Well, it’s official, motherfuckers. Blade Runner is the past. Instead of being a clarion call about the direction we were heading, it’s now officially yet another warning wasted. But, hey! What the fuck can you do. I suppose continue sallying forth towards our inevitable destruction. Or at the least, towards Blade Runner 2049. An equally foreboding portent.

But, the good news! You don’t have to do it alone. As long as the Space-Ship Omega is humming through the digital cosmos, you have a hearth to call your own. As, every weekend, we gather around said hearth. For the Open Bar!

Within these walls, around this hearth, we share what we’re up to during a given weekend. And, I hope you’ll join me! What the fuck is happening this weekend in your life? Are you playing some Fallen Order? Stressfully picking up accouterments for Thanksgiving dinner? Diligently scouring Black Friday ads for where you’re going to inevitably punch a grandma in the tits over a TV?

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Monday Morning Commute: well it ain’t perfect but i don’t mind [because it’s worth it]

Whelp. It’s Monday, folks. And that fucking sucks. Whelp. It’s dark out at 4:45 pm, folks. And that fucking sucks as well. But, here I am. Here you are, too! If you’re reading this. Mindlessly browsing this collection of letters and symbols while taking a crap, or standing on a bus, or reclining on a couch, or sitting at your computer desk. And really, what can we do about this current situation? Make the most of it, I suppose. Together!

Here in Monday Morning Commute!

You know the spiel. This here is the weekly wank-off where we share what we’re looking forward and enjoying across the latest Monday through Friday gauntlet. Nothing says “surviving life” like listing off a series of distractions. And, nothing says “community” like me screaming into the bleak, blank, black void of cyberspace.

I hope you’ll join me in the comments section!

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‘Watchmen’ soundtrack by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross gonna be dropped in three volumes. I cannot fucking wait.

watchmen soundtrack three volumes

I’ve only watched the first episode of Watchmen. But, man. I fucking loved it, and the music was a huge part of my enjoyment. So I’m fucking stoked that we’re going to be getting the soundtrack, even if it’s coming in three volumes. I fucking hate waiting! However, it’s neat that they’re going to drop them at key points in the season.

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Monday Morning Commute: the stars are yours (and mine)

monday morning commute the stars are yours (and mine)

Goddamn, is the Fall ever a twinset of gloom and glory. There’s something sublime about watching the leaves turn, experiencing the air crispen, and observing the stars throb. But, at the same time? Man, does it make existing a struggle. Early evenings, dreary afternoons, and the promise of only more darkness for the foreseeable future.

Like I said, a twinset! For as much as I enjoyed Fall last week? Sunday was a soufflé of sadness and ennui.

And then!

The work week!

Fuck me!

Anyways, thankfully, I got my own series of supplements to get me through the work week. And, I don’t just mean the uncomfortably large number of actual supplements I take on a daily basis. I also mean the variety of shows, games, and other pop culture popcorn I’m gorging on, to fight back the darkness.

And since this is Monday Morning Commute, I’ll enumerate them for you! Then, I hope you’ll join me in the comments section.

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Monday Morning Commute: Please Stand By

monday morning commute please stand by

You know how fucking long OL has been around? This ain’t the first time I’ve used “Please Stand By” as a MMC title. That said, it felt apropos as fuck, so I’m rolling with it. As well, I must confess, I didn’t realize I was reusing it until the url generator inserted a 2, but here we are.

Straight-up? I miss you fucks! The semester hit, and blammo! I fucking disappeared in a cloud of dust. I suppose it’s to be expected, but I suppose I don’t think it’s acceptable.

Oh sure, I share articles. And, like, one or two of you appear to comment. But, a good old-fashioned fucking Monday Morning Commute where we hang out? Shoot the shit about what we’ve been enjoying? Been too long. Far, far too fucking long.

So, I hope you meanderers, lurkers, and longtime friends come out in the comments section!

Here’s what I’ve been digging since the last installment.

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HBO’s ‘Watchmen’ series is debuting October 20. Tick. Tock. Motherfuckers!

watchmen premiere october 20

Man, I cannot wait for the goddamn Watchmen series/sequel/whatever on HBO. But, I must fucking wait. Alas, alas. At least now I know when I have to wait until. October 20.

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‘Watchmen’ Trailer: HBO’s remix is a sequel to the original, and I’m here for it

What we sort of knew, we know definitely know. Damon Lindelof’s “remix” of Watchmen is actually a sequel. It’s been confirmed today by a SDCC trailer, and, I’m fucking here for it.

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