
‘Halo Infinite’ Campaign Trailer: Microsoft Promises The Campaign Is Totally Real

Well, Microsoft decided to call our bluff. Those of us who really don’t believe Halo Infinite has a campaign. Fucking company dropped a trailer for it today! Fuckers. Seriously though, while I’ve always assumed it existed, I never had much faith in it being anything special. After the trailer today? Even more certain it’s going to be a big bag of whatever.

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‘Halo Infinite’ dropping this December 8 and man am I concerned

halo infinite december 8

Halo Infinite has been in development Hell since before I had gray in my fucking old ass beard. Now it’s time for it to be painfully birthed into existence, with cut features, modes, and stunning silence about its campaign. Ready or not, this fucker is being shat forth on December 8.

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‘Halo Infinite’ is officially dropping Fall 2021. Master Chief making us master waiting, lololol

halo infinite fall 2021

Halo Infinite‘s first gameplay footage debuted looking somewhere between Raw Ass and Oh No. Which explains why it was almost immediately delayed. Til when? At the time we didn’t fucking know. However, it appears that some clarity has emerged. The son of a bitch is dropping in Fall 2021.

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‘Halo Infinite’ has lost another director and fuck this game’s development seems troubled

halo infinite has lost another director

Halo Infinite was supposed to launch alongside the new Xbox Series X. However it was delayed after a fucking dismal public showing at E3. Concerning! But wait, there’s more! Now the title lost yet another director. Fuck man, this shit isn’t looking good.

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‘Halo Infinite’ delayed until 2021, which makes sense because it looks like ass porridge

Bad news for Xbox stans! Halo Infinite ain’t an XBOX Series X launch title anymore. In fact, the motherfucker has been delayed until 2021. Which honestly is probably a good thing in the long run. The title looked old, slow, and outdated in its gameplay reveal recently, and definitely could use more time.

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‘Halo Infinite’ multiplayer gonna be free-to-play according to leak. Yeah, still not interested! But nice.

halo infinite multiplayer free to play

Interesting, motherfuckers! According to a leak, Halo Infinite going to sport a free-to-play multiplayer. Makes sense, though. Seems to be the trajectory of all multiplayer FPS titles these days.

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‘Halo Infinite’ creative director quits, after being reassigned. Ain’t that grand news for the incredibly important title!

Halo Infinite has lost its creative director. After they were reassigned. But, no pressure, Halo Infinite. Microsoft has merely hyped you up as the very important launch title for their next console. No pressure! Things seem to be going swimmingly for you, anyways.

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‘Halo Infinite’ Trailer: This son of a gun is a launch title for the next Xbox, which arrives Holiday 2020!

Here’s a trailer for Halo Infinite! The game is a killer launch title for the next Xbox, which is arriving Holiday 2020.

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‘Halo Infinite’ Trailer: Master Chief is back, again, okay, cool

Master Chief is back! I’m sort of excited! But, Master Chief is back in a title whose gameplay and release date are unknown! So, I’m also sort of frustrated!

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