
Three new ‘Star Wars movies will start dropping in 2022, arriving every other year. Letting the franchise breathe, god bless

star wars movies 2022

We got a new slate of Star Wars movies, my friends. And, the news is two-fold fantastic. First, the franchise is taking three years off. And second, the next three movies will be arriving every other year.

God bless them finally letting the franchise breathe.

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‘Star Wars’ spin-off movies put on hold as Lucasfilm stunningly appears to get a fucking clue

star wars lucasfilm film spin off movies on hold

Man, I really, really liked Solo. But, none the less I am thrilled at the news that Lucasfilm has put their Star Wars spin-off movies on hold. It’s hard to deny that the franchise is going to be better for it in the long run. Countless Star Wars fans have been crying for new adventures in the increasingly claustrophobic Galaxy Far, Far Away. And after Solo financially flopping, it appears Lucasfilm is finally hearing the message.

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New Rogue One Promo Art drops to celebrate Force Friday

Rogue One Promo Art

I guess today is fucking Force Friday or something? You can tell my excitement levels regarding Rogue One in comparison to the Skywalker Saga just by virtue of me having no idea that today is, in fact, said Force Friday. None the less, Lucasfilm has dropped more Rogue One promo art as part of the celebration for the day.

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‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ International Trailer: Now With Key Plot Point Included!

Rogue One‘s International trailer confirms a key plot point that’s been been bandied about in other forms already. Specifically, it pertains to the character that Mads Mikkelsen shall be playing. If you watch it, don’t say I didn’t warn you!

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‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ TV Spot: Hope Begins With Rebellion

Oh…oh, that’s what Hope begins with? Gotcha.

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Confirmed: James Earl Jones voicing Darth Vader in ‘Rogue One’

darth vader

James Earl Jones is voicing Darth Vader, as he should be, in Rogue One. But like, who is playing him?

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‘Episode VIII’ News: Rian Johnson drops another official set photo

episode viii

After the jump, spoilerphobes!

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Report: ‘Rogue One’ has Disney Execs worried; reshoots have been ordered


So, scuttlebutt has it that Disney is worried about what they’ve got on their hands in Rogue One. If you believe the internet detritus, the movie is “not up” to The Force Awakens. Me? I’m wondering: in what sense? It looks pretty cool. Is it too tonally disparate? Too dark? Not funny enough? Hmm.

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‘LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Trailer: Every Generation Has A (LEGO) Story

‘Star Wars’ Spinoff News: They Won’t All Be Prequels. Futzing good.

Rogue One.

One of the most disappointing things about the Grand Resurrection of the StarWars Capitalist Big Rig is that the movies that have been revealed don’t seem to be tilling much new ground. Disney owns an entire universe, but they have seemed comfortable enough sitting in the same sandbox. I get it. Established iconography, easily marketable properties. I get it. But, I cannot imagine myself the only one who wants to see Lucasfilm and the Mouse spread their wings and expand, as opposed to masturbate, the StarWars Mythos. And while nothing is confirmed, or revealed, or certain, it seems that some of those standalone movies will (maybe) give me those new stories I hanker for.

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