
Report: ‘Batman v Superman’ getting R-Rated Blu-Ray

BatLord v SuperGrimace ain’t even out yet, and it is already getting news leaked about its home release. Apparently said home release (or one iteration of it, at least) is going to be R-Rated.

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Zack Snyder teased “The Flash” costume in pic with Jason Momoa

Listen: Batman’s New Theme from ‘Batman v Superman’

New ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Trailer: The Red Capes are coming!

‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ TV Spot: “The Bat is dead. Buried.”

Man, can you imagine if Batman v Superman is good? It just sort of hit me today, watching this clip. Not that I particularly liked this clip (at all). But I’ve been writing this movie off for so long, I’ll be goddamn staggered if it actually entertains me. Like, really pleasantly surprised.

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‘Batman v Superman’ TV Spot: BatGuy is way mad Superman wrecked his car

Apparently the World’s Greatest Detective thinks it is a good idea to try and hit an Indestructible Alien with his car.

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‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’ Trailer #3: Superman is a Dick

Yeah. I don’t know. Zack Snyder really doesn’t fucking get Superman (or Batman, or Watchmen, or strong female characters). And despite Snyder always proving this, I’m always annoyed. Like, what the fuck is this clip? Whatever. Fuck.

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Zack Snyder talking to HBO about ‘Watchmen’ TV Series. I hate this.


When Zack Snyder ruined Watchmen, one of my sole sources of solace was the desperate rationalization, “Well, it couldn’t really be done in a movie, anyways. It needed to be a mini-series. Or a premium channel television show.” But now Zack Snyder wants to ruin this excuse for me, for he is apparently trying to ruin the comic series in televised format.

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Six New ‘Batman v Superman’ Images: Wayne Is Too Old For This Crap, GlareGlare Time, and More!

glare glare glare

Not to be forgotten amid the deluge of Star Wars madness today, WB has dropped six new Dawn of Justice images.

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Rumor: George Miller (‘Mad Max’) could be directing ‘Man of Steel 2’

George Miller.

Back in the day, George Miller was supposed to direct Justice League. He didn’t, and the world was worse for it. Zack Snyder *did* direct Man of Steel, and the world was worse for it. The result was a DCU I don’t really give a fuck about. A DCU whose reputation (in my eyes) could be recuperated by George Miller helming Man of Steel 2. I mean — can you fucking imagine? OH WHAT A DAY. (There are other reports that cast doubts on this rumor — but let’s just imagine it happening. I mean fuck, somewhat in the Multiverse it’s hapepning. Let us go there, if not here.)

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