
Scientists baffled by strange radio waves coming from center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The aliens are inside the cosmic house!

scientists radio waves milky way galaxy

Scientists ain’t got a clue about the fucking strange radio waves coming from the center of our galaxy. Ain’t got a fucking clue! Straight baffled! But, I mean, come on. It’s (probably not) aliens. Obviously.

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Scientists identify new class of planet with massive oceans possibly home to alien life!

scientists ocean worlds alien life

Scientists are like, we need to get the fuck outta here. We gotta find some habitable fucking planets. Well, they’ve found some massive ass ocean worlds. Good job, dorks. Good job, eggheads. Just kidding, I fucking love ya’ll. Now these planets. Do they have life? Perhaps! Could they support our life? Not sure! None the less, meet these fucking “Hycean” planets!

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Scientists have finally measured the size of Mars’ core. Shit is less dense than thought!

scientists measure the size of mars core

We finally know the size of Mars’ core, motherfuckers! This is thanks to Astronomy-Wizards and through the measuring of seismic activity, both of which are pretty impressive. What have we found, now that we’ve measured the core? It’s less dense than we thought! Yeah, I said we! As a human, I want in on this shit. Sitting here. In joggers. Farting. Staring at butts. This is it! This is my moment.

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Scientists believe they have found chunk of ancient protoplanet in Africa. Man, space rules!

How’s this for a fucking Tuesday headline? To beat back the doldrums? Scientists believe they have found a chunk of an ancient protoplanet in Africa! In fact, the meteorite found last year is older than Earth itself. Like, let that swim around your brain-pieces. Ancient protoplanet. Older than Earth itself.

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Scientists have repaired injured spinal cord using patient’s own stem cells. Holy fucking future, friends!

scientists repaired injured spinal cord using patients own stem cells

How is this for a welcome blast in the ass from the Future? Scientists have repaired a patient’s spinal cord, using their own stem cells. The patients reported substantial improvements to key functions, just weeks after the cells were injected. Mamma mia, the fucking implications!

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Scientists have pulled off real-time communication with lucid dreamers. Reality is wild!

scientists communicate with lucid dreamers

Holy fuck, dudes. Scientists have communicated in real-time with lucid dreamers. Let that statement rattle around your brain. Then, wrap said brain in tinfoil while you sleep. ‘Cause them fuckers are coming for your dreams.

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Scientists want to build a giant telescope on the Moon to see into the Deep Past. I mean, fuck yes!

scientists want to build a giant moon telescope to see the deep past

A giant telescope on the Moon? Intended to see into the Deep Past? Oh fuck yeah. My dudes, this is the astronomical shit I’m all about.

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Scientists discover mysterious metal monolith in Utah. I’ve seen ‘2001’ and this shit is gonna be great

Ah, 2020. You just don’t fucking quit, man. I mean, seriously? Scientists have discovered a motherfucking mysterious metal monolith has been discovered in Utah. Like, you can’t make this shit up. But, I’m stoked. Time to get our asses to Jupiter.

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Scientists have detected an unexplained glow in deep space. Don’t fuck with it, fellas!

scientists have detected an unexplained glow in deep space

On one hand, it’s pretty fucking cool that scientists have detected an unexplained glow. In the dark of deep space. On the other hand, you know, please don’t fuck with it.

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Scientists have now mapped 20 percent of the ocean floor! Wait, that’s it? Creatures lurking!

scientists mapped 20 percent ocean floor

I know we’re supposed to be like: fucking sweet, scientists have mapped 20% of the ocean floor. However, man! That means there’s 80% still not mapped. What horrors and thrills lie below?!

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