
DC teases JOKER’S DAUGHTER’S debut in NEW 52. Frankly, I didn’t know she existed.

Duela Dent.

Duela Dent is coming to the New 52! Hide your kids, hide your wives. Jesus Christ, talk about a stale cultural reference. Fuck you, Caff! Anyways, yeah. Joker’s Daughter is coming to the refried DC Universe. Perhaps this excites you. Frankly, I didn’t even know the Joker had a daughter. I understand this is a cascading wave of comic book failure raising towards me.

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Grant Morrison says COMICS CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE. ILU, Grant.

Grant Morrison.

Grant Morrison may have shat out a what I felt to be a rather unexciting Superman story within the pages of Action Comics, but that hasn’t stopped me from suckling at his theoretical teat. He has hung a pretty inspiring quote on the Internet at Large, wherein he discusses the beautiful possibilities inherent within the medium of comics.

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BRIAN K. VAUGHAN and MARCOS MARTIN tease their new project. Yes x Everything.


Pop quiz! How do you give me a boner? Oh, okay. Yes, yes, yes. Aside from showing me pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch in Star Trek Into Darkness while whispering, “All of this will be yours in a Star Wars format.” You do it by showing me a preview of the upcoming Brian K. Vaughan collaboration with Marcos Martin.

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Cosplay: Steampunk Poison Ivy is the pale alt-past hotness.

Glory me, yes.

John Hodgman on why COMICS CONTINUITY sucks. (He’s correct.)

Fuck continuity. It serves, more often than not, only to incite fanboy rage and nit-picking. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that most of my favorite comic tales are Elseworlds or tales that take place in the future. They’re liberated from constrains that serve more to jerk off history than to give the world a richness. I’m feeling you, John Hodgman!

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Joe Madureira leaves Vigil games to focus on comics. My 1994 self is losing its mind.

Joe Madureira was like, the jam. Man. Way back in the day, I was obsessed with the guy. Then he stopped drawing watermelon boobs and hands the size of basketballs to tool around on other projects. Which is probably for the best, allowing me to not actively figure out how much I didn’t enjoy his style any longer. Now the dude is returning to comics though seemingly full time, and my past self is pretty excited.

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DC wins 50% of ‘SUPERMAN’ ownership in surprising court victory.

Hey! Wee! Score one for the billion-dollar corporation! Those plucky bastards.

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GEORGE ROMERO writing “secret” zombie comic for Marvel. Hmm.

Apparently, Romero is working on a zombie comic for Marvel. Does George Romero matter anymore? That is, in the present. An honest question to his fans. Like, if this dude was in his heyday, I imagine I’d be much more excited about this news.  It has been years since he churned out something I’ve loved, and with each passing installment in his movie catalog I’ve cared less and less.

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More of GREG RUCKA’S comments on how the BIG TWO treat creators. Props ++

It’s been a good year for creators speaking out on how the Big Two comic book publishers have essentially devolved into churn factories for movie properties. Not certain that anything good will come to pass from it (hint: Rendar and I haven’t bought a comic book in a month, if you’re wondering our feelings on the industry), but it’s invigorating to see people speaking up. Greg Rucka has once again stepped into the batter’s box. Here is more from his interview with Clint magazine that we covered earlier in the week.

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Cosplay: MARY JANE done only in body paint gets my web shooters…oh, you get it.

I’m not terribly certain how this is Mary Jane cosplay, nor do I really care. Let me have this.

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