
Cosplay: The Huntress and Power Girl are the World’s Finest

World's Finest.

Power Girl! The Huntress! I salute both of you!

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AND ANOTHER THING: ‘FLASH’ movie set for 2016, ‘JUSTICE LEAGUE’ for 2017.

Justice League.

So uh and yeah I just got finished blathering about the purported Superman/Batman flick that is (probably) coming out in 2015 when I stumbled across this news. Oh San Diego Comics Convention Time, you are hectic.

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Superman & Batman.

Sweet crap on a cracker, I didn’t see this coming. Warner Bros. is going to be following up their disaster porn extravaganza Man of Steel not with the Justice League flick like many anticipated. Instead, they’re going full-tilt towards a Superman & Batman team-up movie.

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Mauro Perucchetti Sculpts Batman and Superman Like Famous Work Of Michelangelo. Awesome.

All sorts of twisting ideas into one sexy knot of pop culture riffage. Comic books as modern myth meet creation myth meet Michelangelo courtesy of  Mauro Perucchetti.

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