
XNA Is SYNTHETIC DNA Stronger Than The Real Thing. Futurism Boner.

Someone should wake up the guy who was bombing around Nietzsche’s market. If God isn’t dead, we’ve certainly delivered a five-fingered death punch to his thorax. XNA is synthetic DNA, only stronger.

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Iran’s “HALAL INTERNET” Becoming A More-Ambitious Part Of Current Censorship Regime.

I’ve been spitting articles at you lately concerning Iran and its desire to create its own intranet cut off from us diabolical Western bastards with our (illusions) of democracy and Coca Cola. Turns out, Iran ain’t going to be pulling that off any time soon. Instead they’re just doubling over on their current censorship.

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Ultra-Absorbent “NANOSPONGE” Could Be Used To Fix The Worst Oil Spills. Yeah Science!

Ah! The future! Sometimes the future sucks. Like, you know, how we’re still using oil to get our asses around places. Where’s my nuclear-powered jet pack? However, the future can also be pretty swell. Like when it finds ways to clean up all those silly oil spills.

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CIA’S FEAR: High-Tech Border Checks Will Rat Out Their Spies

Jason Bourne is getting the fucking business these days from border checks in some countries. Did you have any idea that some nations are employing iris checks straight out of fucking Minority Report? I sure as shit didn’t. Man, I’m swearing a lot. Ass. Crap. Boom!

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Video: Meet ECCEROBOT, The Humanoid Robot With Muscles And Tendons. Cylons Nod.

All of this has happened before, and there’s a good fucking chance it’ll happen again. Thank you, Matrix, Mass Effect, and Battlestar Galactica  for teaching me that. We’re not building robots with muscles and tendons. Jesus Christ, what are we doing.

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Scientists Can Make Solar Cells Thinner Than Spider Silk? Well Done.

Behold some glory-be futurism nonsense right here. Scientists have made solar cells that are thin like woah, and can be wrapped around human hair. Human hair, folks.

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The Most Sensitive Scale Can Weigh INDIVIDUAL PROTONS. My Fat Ass Would Break It.

How much does a proton weigh? Like five or six pounds, right? I’m kidding! I can’t remember high school but I can totally remember they’re like light. Maybe even really  light. Well now thanks to science we have a goddamn scale that can weigh them.

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MIT Creates Smart Sand That SCULPTS ITSELF. Threshold Crossed, Man.

MIT is doing some straight-up wizard shit. They’re programming sand. Sand! To take shapes. This is so goddamn awesome.

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Video: Interactive Poster You Can MAKE OUT WITH. Windex, Please.

Welcome to the future, motherfuckers! Weird as hell, right here. An interactive poster that you can make out with. As you zoom in, the babe or dude (ostensibly, c’mon and do it for us all here whacky programmers) will “react” to you. My question: why is the creeper leering in with their eyes open?

Hit the jump for video and details.

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US Army Recruits “Animal Bots”. It’s like Beast Wars, only real.

Some laboratory in Boston (represent!) has been hard at work with some ridiculously cool new tech for the army, including a “sand flea” that can hop 9 meters to avoid things, and a goddamn “cheetah”  that reaches running speeds up to 30kph, the fastest robot speed ever recorded. I don’t know about you, but I need at least 10 of these. Each.

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