
‘Sherlock’ returning with holiday special + fourth season


Benzanine Cucumber and Biblo Fargo are returning for MOAR SHERLOCK. That’s right! A fucking holiday special! A fucking fourth season! And hopefully fucking better than the middling, somewhat rudderless third season!

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Donald Levine, the creator of ‘G.I. JOE’, has passed away

Donald Levine.

The creator for G.I. Joe passed away on Thursday. While I never knew the good sir Donald Levine by name, what he unleashed on the world has certainly sculpted my grey matter to some extent. From a young age I’ve been certain that knowing was half the battle, and have wandered aimlessly, anxiously, despairingly, wondering what the fuck the other half was.

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H.R. Giger, genius behind ‘ALIEN’ designs and more, has passed away

H.R. Giger.

Even if you don’t know H.R. Giger, you totally fucking know Giger. The dude and his brilliant designs have infiltrated the pop culture psyche, and we are all the better for it. Unfortunately, the Good Sir has sloughed off his pesky mortal coil.

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Macho Man v. Ultimate Warrior. Round: Eternal!

The ULTIMATE WARRIOR has passed away. Gorilla press of sadness.

the ultimate warrior

The Ultimate Warrior has passed away, at the age of 54. I say a good god damn – a lynchpin of eternal school yard debates from my childhood has departed for the shimmering bare turnbuckle’d ring in the sky.

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Watch: Gnarly 11-Minute Tribute to Stanley Kubrick on 15th Anni of His Passing

Stanley Kubrick.
Stanley Kubrick passed away fifteen years ago? Dios mio, mang. Getting old. The rickety bones. Mortality’s Scythe is looming, with incontinence already kicking in. I shall apply the momentarily salve of this glorious tribute to Stanny from Alexandre Gasulla upon my rotting corpus, knowing I’ll join Kubrick in the Ether someday (soon?).

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Philip Seymour Hoffman has passed away at age 46.

Philip Seymour Hoffman.

Bummer. Total bummer on the talented actor front. Philip Seymour Hoffman was found dead in his apartment today, the gnarly cinematic force a mere forty-six.

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TOM CLANCY has passed away at the age of 66. Subterfuge salute.

Tom Clancy.

Tom Clancy has passed away. The Good Sir who penned Many A Best Selling novel was only 66, too.

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RICHARD MATHESON passes away at age 87. He Is Legend.

Richard Matheson.

Richard Matheson has passed away. I’m not particularly familiar with his work. On a personal level, and shit. However, I do know that his contributions to horror and science-fiction have no doubt influenced a lot of the material I have enjoyed throughout the years.

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Roger Ebert has passed away. Frowns all around.

Roger Ebert.

Roger Ebert has passed away today, succumbing to that sumbitch cancer. As a youth, he was the one film critic that I often looked to for reviews. Homeboy could sway my opinion like no one else. While I haven’t followed him closely as of late, that doesn’t lessen the raging bummer that is this news.

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