
‘Spider-Man 3’ is officially titled ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ and it’s dropping this Christmas. Webtacular or some shit!

spider man 3 no way home

I’m fucking stoked for Spider-Man 3, and now it’s finally got an official fucking title. After countless feints, we now know it’s called Spider-Man: No Way Home. As well, the motherfucker is dropping this Christmas. Which comes as a surprise to me, but maybe I’m clueless. None the less, stoked!

Check the teaser after the jump!

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‘Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse’ Trailer: My Name’s Miles Morales

I am incredibly pumped for this movie.

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‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Poster: Dropping By, Hanging Out, Et Cetera


Shitty puns! For all! Tucking the poster behind a “more” tag because it’s an unofficial snap, and uh, sort of gnarly on the eyes. Like, not poor quality, but, well, you’ll see.

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Leaked: Sony’s guidelines for ‘Spider-Man’ depictions in movies

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A leaked memo document’s Sony’s guidelines for how Spider-Man is to be depicted in movies. A lot of people are up in arms about it, but truthfully — nothing in the guidelines should fucking surprise you. Disappoint you? Yeah, maybe. But it’s all standard fare.

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Asa Butterfield cast as the new ‘Spider-Man’ for Marvel and Sony


The dead-eyed kid from the terrible Ender’s Game movie is now Peter Parker.

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Cosplay: Peter Parker, Meter Maid

Rumor: Next Spidey flick titled ‘Spider-Man: The New Avenger’

Spider-Man #2.

I can fuck with it. I mean, thematically, it makes sense playing off the title of the first Captain America movie.

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Patton Oswalt would write ‘Spider-Man’ as Bansky the Tech Socialist

Patton's take.

Cheers to Daniel Heard! The friend of the site and nauseatingly talented illustrator passed along this little morsel. Patton Oswalt recently cut a podcast with the Nerdist where he discussed what he would do with the Spider-Man movie franchise. Oh, and he also revealed that he did some script punch-up on ASM2.

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Marvel could get Spidey movie rights back; these are their plans if they should


Man. Fuck the Sony Hackers. Not because I’m like, morally opposed to their actions. I don’t have many morals. But rather, the DATA STREAMS this weekend were unrelenting in their coverage. So I stuffed another taco in my mouth and said, “fuck it, I’ll cover the Spidey news on Monday.” And here we are. Here we are.

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Marvel and Sony discussed Spider-Man for ‘Captain America: Civil War’, Sony blew it up.

Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Sony, who can’t see to do fucking anything right according to all the treasure troves of leaked emails, rebuffed Marvel’s advances regarding their arachnid superhero. Despite burying Parker in the fucking melange of fecal matter, peppered with bits of corn and overwrought sentiment known as Amazing Spider-Man 2, Sony didn’t see the obvious benefit that would befall their franchise should Spider-Man appear in a legitimate Marvel movie.

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