
Matthew Vaughn Wanted For ‘Man of Steel 2’

matthew vaughn man of steel 2

Matthew Vaughn is a competent director. I don’t really feel either way about him possibly directing Man of Steel 2. Especially since most of my complaints regarding the DCU have very little to do with the directing (which may be saying something). Rather, my chief criticisms are more focused on the scripts.

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Matthew Vaughn & Jon Favreau considered for second ‘Star Wars’ Anthology flick, starring Solo and Fett

Harrison Ford / Han Solo

Two pretty mediocre directors are being considered for the second Star Wars Anthology flick. Oh, and the potential story for the film seems pretty drab, too.

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‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ Super Bowl Trailer: A Bit Much Innit?

If Justin Lin’s Fast and the Furious installments taught me anything, it’s this: ride or die! But if his staggering auteur visions taught me two things, I would have to say: sometimes giving no fucks and just leaning in to the insanity is the best fucking idea. The less the series gave a fuck about physics and plausibility and decor, the better the movies became.

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Rumor: MATTHEW VAUGHN directing ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’? I could dig this.

Matthew Vaughn? Episode VII? Never thought I’d see those two names together, but there are a hell of a lot worse choices. What do you folks think?

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‘FIRST CLASS’ sequel’s title is ‘DAYS OF FUTURE PAST’, and this could be the goddamn glory.

The sequel to X-Men: First Class is called Days of Future Past. Goodness me, if they can bring that storyline to life with something resembling fidelity I am sprung. Goddamn sprung. It is one of my favorite X-Men tales of all time, though I know I am not exactly setting myself apart by saying so.

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Matthew Vaughn Deciding Between Two Millar Films To Adapt. My Suggestion: Better Source Material.

Matthew Vaughn gave my ass one of the best comic book movies in recent memory this summer when he dropped a quality  First Class  on an  unsuspecting  public. So how’s he following it up? By deciding which of two Mark Millar comic books he’s going to adapt. Matty, I know he’s your friend and all. But you’re better than this. Way better.

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Matthew Vaughn To Adapt Mark Millar’s ‘Superior’. Insert My Disdain.

Matthew Vaughn ripped it up this summer with X-Men: First Class, and his hankering for comic book adaptations hasn’t subsided. He’ll be adapted Mark Millar’s pretty uninspired and schlocky Superior  next. (Yeah, fuck you Millar.)

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Fans Made ‘X-Men: First Class’ Posters Are Retro Swank.

The X:Men First Class posters released by Fox sucked. Fact, not opinion. Dope website that I sometimes snag from, Sucker Punch, issued a challenged to its readers. The decree read (I’m paraphrasing), “Talented motherfuckers, we can do better than this.”

And they did.

Check out some of the results.

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Photo: Havok Totally En Fuego In X-Men: First Class.

Yo! Use this picture to wash out those Floating Head Promo Posters! Fox has dropped this image of Havok from X-Men: First Class. I’m not sure what the fuck is going on, especially since I never considered the dude to be a  pyrotechnic.

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Matthew Vaughn Adapting Comic Book, “The Golden Age”; Wants Clint Eastwood In It.

Matthew Vaughn is adapting the comic book “The Golden Age” by Jonathan Ross and Tommy Lee Edwards, and he wants some fucking starpower to do it. The comic book is about a group of retired superheroes who have to once again don the cloak to help out their grandkids when their own children fuck up the world, and Vaughn wants some big boppers to fill the roles. Atop his wishlist are “Clint Eastwood, Jack Nicholson, and Warren Beatty.”

To dream!

Thoughts? Me? Meh. I’ve seen this concept done to death in the funny books themselves, and Watchmen already took a cinematic dump on the motif.