
Apple could be the first TRILLION dollar company between 2013 and 2015. Lots of iPhones, yo.

Apple is doing well. You probably knew that. Acolytes like myself line up and consume their products while plugging our ears to the horrors of factory conditions and the idea that other products could be superior. One result of this dedication is that the company may be poised to break the trilli barrier as early as next year.

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Seems redundant to even mention it, since every site in the world has covered both its announcement and its specs. However, there is a new iPhone! My dong drips at the idea of purchasing one.

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Monday Morning Commute: Gooey Groined Existential Bliss

If you listen closely during Autumn here on the Eastern seaboard of the Empire, you can hear the gentle hum of the Universe. Raised hairs on the nape of your neck, don’t despair. You are sensing during the Fall the quiet passage of Existence. For some it drives them into intoxicants, lonely. For some, it drives them to intoxicants, relishing the diminished weather. For me, I find a gentle joy in the gathering of family around roasted beasts, around football games, around the scattered leaves and the comfy clothing.

This is Monday Morning Commute. The column where we all gather and share what we’re enjoying on a given week. Let us not acknowledge the grind this week, but rather enjoy our little community. Humming along towards star stuff repurposing, humming along together.

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Watch: Is This The IPHONE 5’S Front Panel? You Decide, Brah.

A new iPhone, a new slew of leaks. This ain’t on the level of “left that shit at a coffee shop” back in the iPhone 4 days, but what the fuck is? Japanese bloggers are claiming they have the front panel of the iPhone 5. Hit the jump to watch. Decide for yo’self.

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Rumor: Alleged iPhone 5 Case Has Aluminum Back And Smaller Connector Dock

Oh golly! Every day brings us closer to the iPhone 5 reveal, and with that comes the beginning of leaks. The boat begins sagging under the weight of information dispersal. It isn’t a bad thing though, because then we begin getting tidbits like this newest batch of purported iPhone 5 pics.

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Steve Jobs Was “Closely” Involved In iPhone 5 Design According To Bloombeg.

It was reported that Steve Jobs was working right up until his death, with many speculating on the next generation iPhone. This has been confirmed by Bloomberg today, and I have to appreciate the guy’s determination.

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Another Foxconn Employee Gives iPhone Release Deets; Disagrees With Previous One

There are conflicting reports coming from multiple employees at Apple  fetishists’ favorite concentration camp regarding the iPhone 5. Depending on which overworked and broken soul you ask, you’ll get a different answer.

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