

Fucking Obi-Wan speak.

Microsoft is engaging in some serious fucking Obi-Wan speak when it comes to whether or not their new console requires an always-on Internet connection. It doesn’t. But does. You don’t have to be connected. But you have to connect everyday. I can’t keep track of this fucking stupidity. And yes I think requiring people to connect daily for a single-player game is fucking dumb.

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AP: JUSTICE DEPARTMENT spied on REPORTER’S PHONE CALLS. We’re not surprised, right?

Obey! Big Brother!

The largest bummer about these kind of news stories isn’t that our government is routinely wiping their bum-bum with what we consider to be our rights. The largest bummer is that we usually read this stories aghast, and then go back about watching reality shows and eating cheesy products. Myself included.

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New cover for ‘1984’ is aesthetics meeting wit.

I already own a copy (copies?) of 1984, but Penguin’s new cover may have me double (triple?) dipping.

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London Resident Have MISSILE LAUNCHERS On Their Rooftops, Courtesy Of The Olympics.

How would you feel about having a high-velocity missile launcher stationed on your rooftop? I’d feel a bit of a villain swag, complimented by being really frightened that there was a death machine on my building’s head. London residents are working through these same sort of emotions as they prepare to have weapons of death on their rooftops in anti-terrorist measures during the the Olympics.

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UK MPs Want Laws Compelling Google To Censor Search Results. Orwell’s Ghost Nods.

Talk about shoehorning bullshit into seemingly harmless legislation. UK MPs want to go about preventing their blood-thirsty press from reporting on celebrities and shiz. Seems harmless enough. However how they want to go about doing so is typical backroom privacy-rights destroying bullshit.

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Apple Makes New Employees Work On Fake Products Until They Trust Them. Orwell Grin.


Motherfuckers at Apple don’t fool around. How serious are they!, Caff?!  Well, they are so serious they’ll put new employees on fake projects just to gauge if they’re trustworthy. That serious!

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Next ‘Kinect’ To Be So Accurate As To Read Lips. Thought Police Cackle.

I already thought it was creepy when it turned out that the Kinect could figure out what sort of clothing we’re wearing and report it to advertisers. The next Kinect? Motherfucker is going to be reading your lips.

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