#Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2: It’s Not A Perfect Plan, But It’s A Plan


Twenty-seven hours into Mass Effect 2, and I’ll write something up when I’m finished. For now, this dialogue choice encapsulates my experience of the game.

Mass Effect 2 Launch Trailer Make a Grown Man Squirt


Bioware geeks, rejoice in the resplendent glory of the Mass Effect 2 launch trailer. What happens in it? I don’t fucking know! I try to keep my exposure to everything ME2-relate to a minimum. Having lost my virginity at the age of thirty-nine, that’s right, twelve years in the future, I know a thing or two about waiting. But for those of you gluttons for awesome, check it out.

I’m guessing it’ll make you squirt the fluid happy.

Mass Effect 2 Comes Out In A Week: MASS ERECTION


Oh you go ahead and brood, John Shepard. I’ve read what sort of shit becomes of you in the opening stages of Mass Effect 2. And thankfully, I’m going to be rocking out with you soon enough. How have you been since our last encounter? I’ve been seeing Mass Effect 2 commercials, and even though they suck, they’ve been whipping me up into a froth.

One fucking week until Mass Effect 2 comes out. Sludging through the original game again has got me excited, and not just for the story but also for the improvements. Like a lot of shit in life, including that chick you hooked up with in a drunken fury, Mass Effect pales significantly when you see her for a second time. Or a third time. But you keep lovin’ her, ’cause she got something special about her.

…Yeah, I have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about anymore.

I’m on a Diet Mountain Dew binge, writing up a fucking storm and hoping to get a chance to cap my characters in the first Mass Effect. There’s a sexy list of bonuses you get for importing that shit. I’m currently level 56, six days to go. Lords of Caffeine and Insomnia, don’t fail me now.

Sweet As Hell Mass Effect 2 Ads

New York Subway Ownage

Via Kotaku:

As seen outside the subway station one stop past Kotaku’s NYC office

Amidst the smell of piss and homeless person, awesome emerges in the form of Mass Effect 2 wall ads.

Saul Tigh to Frak Mass Effect 2’s Voice Acting Mouth


The actors behind Battlestar Galactica’s Saul Tigh and Caprica Six are lending their fucking voices to Mass Effect 2. I’m going to lose my god damn mind.

One of the reasons I love Mass Effect so fucking much is that it allows me to dabble in the sort of universe that makes my nerd dong all salty with fluids. It’s like being able to run around the Battlestar Galactica or Star Wars universe. Calm down douchebags, I know it’s not an exact analog, but it’s close enough.

So, being able to hear their silky smooth and gruff voices respectively is putting me into a nerd froth. Also, the rest of   the voice acting list is pretty impressive too:

Via Kotaku:

We’ve got Tricia Helfer and Michael Hogan from Battlestar Galactica playing the voice of the new Normandy and Captain Bailey respectively. From NBC’s Chuck comes Yvonne Strahovski as genetically engineered Cerberus operative Miranda Lawson, joined by co-star Adam Baldwin, better known as Firefly’s Jayne Cobb, who’ll be taking on the role of Kal ‘Reegar. Marina Sirtis from the original Mass Effect taps out and fellow Star Trek: The Next Generation cast member Michael “Worf” Dorn taps in as Gatatog Uvenk. The Matrix’s Carrie-Anne Moss portrays Aria Y’Loak, the crime lord who rules the planet Omega. Finally we have Emmy-award winning House of Saddam star Shohreh Aghdashloo will play the role of Admiral Shala’Raan vas Tonbay.

And of course we can’t forget returning cast members Seth Green, who had some of the first game’s best lines as Normandy pilot Joker, and The Chronicles of Riddick’s Keith David, returning as Admiral David Anderson.

Shazam! I can’t wait.

Mass Effect 2 Is Getting a Shit Load of DLC; I Just Shot Fluids


Ohhhhh, shiznit. Check this fly ass shit out. If there’s one thing that really bummed me out about the original Mass Effect – besides the barren worlds, and three-hour story mission, it was that Bioware really never came through on their promise of dope DLC that bridged the gap between the original and its sequel. There was a throwaway simulation piece of garbage, and Bring Down the Sky which was a shitty mission that could have been included in the game and I wouldn’t have known better.

Well, it appears my boys at “The Ware” are coming god damn correct for their new installment.

Via Destructoid:

In a recent conversation with GTTV (via TVGB), Mass Effect 2 project director Casey Hudson revealed that most of the ME2 team would switch to working on ME2 downloadable content after the completion of the core game. And don’t expect just huge expansion packs — the game will support a range of different content unlike the first ME.“As part of trying to build the game, as ambitious as it was, one of the things we weren’t able to do technically was to have the support in the game itself for certain kinds of downloadable content,” Hudson said, speaking to the first Mass Effect and its hang-ups.

Hell yeah! It’s getting some good god damn support. I like how they’re all learning and shit. They’re talking about bringing new characters, new campaigns, and other shit to the DLC for ME2. Let’s be optimistic and assume this is building on top of an already ballin’ retail release.

I also love the fact that Hudson realizes that Bring Down the Sky fucking sucked:

What we found was that the content we could produce with a small team in a short time just wasn’t up to the standards we wanted to produce for DLC,” she continued in response to our question. “We were able to produce more uncharted-world level content in a reasonable time, and that’s what we originally envisioned ‘Bring Down The Sky’ as being, but in an early project review we just didn’t feel that it was measuring up to what we wanted from DLC.

This is all terribly fantastic to me.

Dope Ass Mass Effect 2 Collector’s Edition Exposes Me For the Hypocrite I Am


Ah, to write continuously without thinking much about the words you’re puking onto the inter-pagez. Occasionally you contradict yourself. A lot. I like to pretend that I’m not a slut for pre-order swag, or collector’s editions. But then one of my cum magnets – you know, movies, video games, or books that draws the semen from my penis like venom from a wound – shows me their super ballin’ fresh fly collector’s edition. And I jizm. Behold the MASS EFFECT 2 SUPAR COLLECTOR’S EDITION.

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BioWare: Mass Effect 2 Is Like Empire Strikes Back, Me: Isn’t Every Sequel?


There’s a few things that are frequently rocketing around the anticipatory portions of my brain. Bayonetta, Final Fantasy XIII and…Mass Effect 2. Apparently, Mass Effect 2 is going to be the “Empire Strikes Back” of the series. Which really isn’t, you know, news at all. Isn’t every sequel something that aspires to be the ESB of the series?   BioWare co-founder Greg Zeschuk comments:

Via IGN:

“If you recall, Empire Strikes Back was the darker chapter and that is how we designed the ME2 story and experience: to try and make the player reflect on the challenges of the character. If you put ME2 next to the original it is definitely a darker, harder game.”

It makes sense. I don’t really have anything else to say about it. I’m just a whore for anything Mass Effect 2. Mass Effect 2’s obvious correlation to ESB, Mass Effect’s money-grab with unique armor, Mass Effect fanfiction featuring Shepard and Wrex intercourse? I’m there, there, there.

‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ E3 2016 Trailer: Awake In A New Galaxy

Fuck.Fuck.Fuck.Fuck. I need this game. Trailer straight offering nothing, and yet still straight breaking my dick. 

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‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ confirmed for “Early 2017” launch

mass effect

Jesus Christ. When all is said and done I’ll have been waiting five fucking years for my next Mass Effect. Five fucking years!

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