
The ‘WII U’ And ‘3DS’ Getting Downloadable Games. OH SHIT, Welcome to 2007.

Nintendo and Apple have to be hanging out, stroking each other’s hog. They’re both masters of announcing shit like it’s something innovative and ass-tingling despite having already been done. In this case, Nintendo is all, “Hey, you can download New Super Mario Bros. 2  this summer!” and mentioning the Wii U will support it as well. Yeah, whatever. Passe!

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Rumor: ‘Wii U’ Has $180 Worth Of Parts, To Cost At Least $300

The Wii U has itself some $180 of mediocre parts inside its guts. Sweet! We’ll snag it for a sensible price! I mean, how much do we really want to pay for the Nintendo Tablet-Thing? Hopefully at least $300.

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