
‘War of the Planet of the Apes’ casts Gabriel Chavarria as one of its leads

a guy wHO is in mveie

Serious question: who is Gabriel Chavarria? Even more serious question: do you realize how fucking profitable the Apes franchise is? I was talking with Eddie about this a couple of weeks ago. These movies have been fucking colossal amounts of money. And yet — do any of us really give a second thought to these films? Maybe I’m wrong, but I usually equate insane amounts of money made with at least some sort of lasting resonance. I’m an idealist, aren’t I? Anyways, yeah. Gabriel Chavarria. Lead in the next Apes flick.

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Chris Pine has reportedly finalized deal to be in ‘Wonder Woman’ and its sequels


Captain Kirk is going Amazonian! That’s..That’s all I got. ‘Cause I don’t know the character Pine has signed on to portray.

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Tom Holland cast as ‘Spider-Man’; Jon Watts is directing

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The Spider-Man movie has landed its director, and star.

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Scott Derrickson directing MARVEL’S ‘DR. STRANGE.’

Dr. Strange.

Marvel’s Dr. Strange is really happening, eh? Wild. The flick has found itself a director by way of Scott Derrickson, though I don’t know the good lad. Like, at all.

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Rumor: Frank Grillo to play Crossbones in ‘CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER’

Do you know who Frank Grillo is? I don’t. He was in The Grey? I liked that flick. Can’t place him, though. Regardless of whether or not I have any previous knowledge on the square-jawed lad, apparently he may be playing Crossbones in Captain America 2: Dethawed but not Deflowered.

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