
Image Expo announces new titles from like EVERY CREATOR EVER.


I say goddamn! Image Expo is going down, and the company has used the platform to announce new titles from like every fucking creator I hold near and dear. Except for Hickman, who is writing like 3,246 titles at the moment. But still! Holy fuck. Fraction, Graham, Brubaker, Snyder, on and on.

Hit the jump for the litany of awesomeness coming.

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Cosplay: Aela The Huntress from ‘SKYRIM’ is warmth in the tundra.

This, this is the goodness right here. As the frost covers the ground, just imagine this wonderful lass keeping you company.

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Video: UNFINISHED ‘STAR WARS’ ANIME is space battle glory.

Animator Paul Michael Johnson is working on an epic space battle Star Wars anime that is guaranteed to make your genitals of possession bulge to the near bursting point. It ain’t anywhere near finished, but what does exist is so titillating that I can only hope the entire thing comes to fruition.

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Cosplay: EDI from ‘MASS EFFECT 3’ is robotic erotica. Yes, yes, yes.

Joss Whedon WRITING and DIRECTING ‘AVENGERS 2’, also developing Marvel TV show.

This news is the fantastic, folks. The fantastic.

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Goddamn Mondo and their gorgeous posters. Jock has dropped a Dark Knight Rises one for them, and it’s the truth. Baked in glory.

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NASA Releases New Picture Of MARS, It’s So Gorgeous I Want To Weep.

No need for words. Drink in this picture. It’s Mars. That’s the planet Mars. Stunning. Oh, all right. NASA provides some context.

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