
MGM Takes A Loss On ‘GIRL WITH DRAGON TATTOO’, Fincher Gonezo?

MGM didn’t make a lot of money from The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Go figure. They released a long as fuck dismal as hell R-rated movie at Christmas. Why didn’t it crush the box office?

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The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo & You

Stieg Larsson’s international bestseller (meaning they sell it at Target) “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” was tailor-made to be adapted by David Fincher. The man cut his teeth on a lot of Dragon‘s core elements: a capable female lead (Alien 3, Panic Room), a serial killer (Seven, Zodiac), and a locale drowning in atmosphere. Dragon‘s a crowd-pleaser that works with Fincher’s sensibilities, but it’s also disappointingly conventional and pretty dumb in some parts. Fincher sets up a complex investigation about an island of ex-Nazi scumbags then sits at a Mac and flips through old photos for two hours. Most boring investigation ever.

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Monday Morning Commute: Refreshing Taste of Glass.

Here it is folks – the final push towards Christmas! In less than a week’s time, the Magic Bearded Arbiter will sneak into our homes and either reward us with gifts or punish us with lumps of fossil fuel. Hopefully the Bearded Arbiter wasn’t looking when you cheated on your taxes, ran a red light, or didn’t tip the waitress because she didn’t preemptively refill your coffee.

But chances’re are that your ass is busted. There’s no hiding from Santa. He sees you when you’re sleeping.

So on that note, welcome to the MONDAY MORNING COMMUTE! This is the spot where we meet up to discuss the various bits of entertainment we’ll be relying on to get us through the hellish gauntlet that is the workweek. However, most of us are probably going to be giving half-assed performances at our jobs this week, more interested in cakes and candies and parties than punching in from 9-5. With that being said, last-minute shopping and party-planning carry their own unique brands of stress, and we’ll still need something to get us through.

C’mon, fly down the chimney and I’ll show you what’ll be occupying my mind this week!

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The New Yorker Breaking ‘Girl With Dragon Stuff’ Review Embargo. Sony’s Cheesed.

Sony let some lucky swanky motherfuckers in to see The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo early. The caveat was that they had to hold their responses in their gullets until Sony’s proscribed embargo date. Seems pretty easy to me. Let me in Sony, fuck. It seems that despite initial  acquiescence  to the request, shit fecal matter is about to splatter the fan. The New Yorker reviewer David Denby is intentionally breaking the embargo tomorrow. This doesn’t sit well with producer Scott Rudin.

Hit the jump for some industry slap fighting.

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Trailer: ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ Four Minute Trailer Of Glory.

I alternate between being excited about the prospect of Fincher helping The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, and wishing he’d take on something more esoteric. Tonight I’m fucking excited. A four minute trailer interspersed with bits of what I assume is Reznor’s soundtrack.

It’s glorious.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ Red Band Trailer Hits Net, Rules.

The red-band trailer for the Fincher adaptation of ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’ has hit the internet thanks to intrepid souls with camera phones and the such. And let us praise those souls, for it’s fucking awesome.

Hit the jump for the trailer.

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Trent Reznor Scoring Fincher’s “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”

Oh yeah! How about some late Friday night news off your tits? Trent Reznor is once again working with David Fincher. After absolutely rocking out on the Social Network score with Atticus Ross, it’s been revealed that Mr. NIN is returning for Fincher’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo remake.


Briefly: Not a lot of info right now, but during a New York Times livestream interview with Trent Reznor, the musician revealed that he is scoring David Fincher‘s version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and has been working on the film for about six weeks. He said to expect something different from his score for The Social Network, though things might change in the year before the film opens.

Bleeding Cool Update:

Little Bleeder Scorpio tells me that the news originated within a  Times Talk broadcast with Reznor, and that Atticus Ross  isindeed involved. The two of them have been working on the score for a couple of months now. Reznor apparently also talked about his non-soundtrack music career, and said that he had no plans for more NIN.

A “disgustingly huge” Reznor fan at  Filmonic was tuned in and offers this information:

In the interview, Reznor stated that words such as “ice” and “frozen” have inspired the new score, and that it is performance-based, with him playing strings (violin, ‘cello, etc.) to the best of his abilities, and then placing those performances through various processing. It sounds interesting. The score for  The Social Network used entirely electronic sounds and instruments. Reznor was due to perform / play some of the new music for  Girl with the Dragon Tattoo during the interview, but unfortunately was unable to prepare for it and thus perform it, due to the passing away of his mother last Sunday.

Fucking fantastic.  These two dudes have been collaborating together for a while now. Closer was used in Se7en, Fincher directed a video for Nine Inch Nails’ song Only, and there’s the aforementioned work on the Social Network. And since I have a pants ripping hard-on for both of the dudes, this is fanboy wankery to me.