
‘Sweet Tooth’ Trailer: The Netflix Adaptation of the Post-Apoc Fairytale Comic Looks Fucking Dope

Motherfucking Sweet Tooth used to be my jam back in the day, and I think the Netflix adaptation will be the same. If I’m leveling you, face-to-face, crotch-to-crotch? I forgot this shit was coming! But now this shit is at the front of my rotting lobes after the drop of this new trailer.

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Jeff Lemire’s ‘Sweet Tooth’ is returning in November with a miniseries. Cryptid Hell Yes!

jeff lemire sweet tooth returning november

Man, Sweet Tooth! One of the few comics’ creative teams from days of yore I’m relying on to find my way back into comics. And, get this! It’s returning in November with a miniseries!

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‘Sweet Tooth’ adaptation coming to Netflix with Robert Downey Jr. executive producing! Fuck yeah!

sweet tooth robert downey jr netflix

Sweet Tooth was a fantastic comic by Jeff Lemire, what, Jesus Christ, ten years ago?! Now, hopefully it’s going to be a fantastic Netflix series.

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…or Scorpion, if he is your favorite video game character with a burning dome piece.  Travis Rector has taken a hell of a photo of this particular planetary nebula, and a lot went into it that frankly fries my own skull. Setting it also ablaze. Some sort of circle of life type shit.

Hit the jump for a full look at the beautiful bitty, as well as for some more info.

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PREVIEW: Jeff Lemire’s ‘THE UNDERWATER WELDER’ Is Beauty Outside The Tooth

Jeff Lemire may be putting Sweet Tooth  and its band of hybrids down in December, but he ain’t going to be going quietly into the night. As if on command to remind my melancholic ass that the Tooth  ending wouldn’t be the end of premiere, this preview of Lemire’s upcoming graphic novel has dropped. Damn, damn tasty.

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Lemire Announces End of ‘SWEETH TOOTH’ With December’s Issue #40. Frown.

I didn’t see this one coming. Jeff Lemire has announced that his creator-owned title Sweet Tooth  will be concluding with issue #40 this December.

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‘Twisted Metal’ Brings Ludicrous New Trailer. I’m All In.

There’s a new trailer for ‘Twisted Metal’ PS3-stylee, and it’s out of its fucking gourd. Pure madness in all the best ways, punctuated by fucking mech battles. Mech battles!, in Twisted Metal. I had no damn idea.

Hit the jump so thine eyes can see the glory.

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Images & Words – Sweet Tooth #18

[images & words is the comic book pick-of-the-week at OL. equal parts review and diatribe, the post highlights the most memorable/infuriating/entertaining book released that wednesday]

Have you ever loved a series? Not enjoyed or flirted with, but truly loved a series? If you have, you’ll know it.

When you’re enamored of a narrative, the viewing of every episode isn’t just a desire, but a gahddamn need. After all, if the L-word’s being tossed around then you’ve become personally invested. Characters are no longer the fabrications of creators, but representatives of your own struggles. As symbols that have entrenched themselves within your own imagination, the characters are not caricatures, but as archetypal placeholders.

At that point, it’s not just about entertainment. It’s also about self-discovery.

What brings about this rumination? A cold brew and the realization that I’m in love with Sweet Tooth.

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