
The International Space Station captures Hurricane Dorian’s sublime horror

Hurricane Dorian is a beautiful monster. Beautiful, yes. But, also considerably destructive. Here’s a glimpse at it from the ISS.

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Astronauts fix the space station with a TOOTHBRUSH. Yeah, science! Or something.

Sometimes you just need to rock a toothbrush. Lost your sex toy? Toothbrush. Smelly teeth? Toothbrush. Need to fix a space station? Toothbrush.

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NASA Lost A Laptop With Unencrypted Space Station Codes. Cold War Heats Up!

Don’t pay any attention to the last half of the headline. It’s just my Cold War-obsessed brain making something more interesting out of the fact that NASA has exercised their rocket scientist brilliance by losing a laptop. Chock full of unencrypted space station secret info stuff.


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