
PlayStation Store for PS3 and PS Vita No Longer Shutting Down. Bullying Corporations Works!

playstation store no longer closing ps3 and ps vita

Sony has reversed course and announced they ain’t closing the PlayStation Store for the PS3 and the PS Vita. This shit comes after a rather impressive firestorm surrounding the news, especially from pissed off retro PlayStation gamers. Me? I feel like I should care more about this, since the development underscores the fact that all of our modern consoles are ticking time bombs. Existing only as long as they can access the internet and shit. But I only got so much fucking emotional bandwidth, so I’ll just punt this down the line for awhile. That said, I’m stoked for all the gamers who were going to be significant bummed by the initial decision. Well done, Masters of the Caterwauls!

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PlayStation 4 Remote Play coming to PC and Mac


Sony is bringing its PS4 Remote Play to PC and Mac. This is on the heels of Microsoft bringing XB1 streaming to Windows 10. Well played, Sony. Now can I get my PS3 backwards compatibility?

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