
Amazon says its facial recognition systems can now detect fear. What a fantastic development for the police state!

amazon facial recognition fear

Amazon’s facial recognition systems can now detect fear! Hey! Wee! I can’t possibly imagine this shit being used for ill. I mean, right? *Infinitely sarcastic wink*

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Head of HOMELAND SECURITY stays safe by…not using email. There is always that.

Here’s a brilliant way to keep your email secure. Don’t fucking use any! Goddamn. Why didn’t I think of that? I imagine it’d be harder to pull off if I was the head of something, though. If I had to run something enormous. Maybe a bloated off-shoot of the military industrial complex. Like, oh, shit, Homeland Security! I mean, I couldn’t possibly stay in contact with people without it. It’d be impossible. Right?

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New Orleans was planning on using DRONES to police the Super Bowl. Solid Snake nods.

Police state, wee! New Orleans was planning on using security drones to police the Super Bowl this next February. It didn’t come to pass, but it is a delicious look into the quiet erosion of homeland freedom and the implementation of such measures. Shh! Go to sleep.

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Police could create IMAGE OF SUSPECT’S FACE from their F**KING DNA. Yeah, science.

I don’t care that this is speculative nonsense, aiight? It is still fun as sheezy to think about. Recreating a suspect’s face from their DNA? Why, it is just the sort of Police State Wet Dream that The Man totally works their prostrate to.

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US appeals court says “F**K YEAH!’ to warrantless phone GPS tracking. I frown.

I’m going to need to double-down on my secret skulking as the nighttime vigilante, Balls Out. You can guess my super power. The Man has ruled in favor of warrantless phone GPS tracking, and god knows I need my iPhone’s GPS to Yelp my dinner stops throughout the night. Fighting crime burns mad kcals.

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Wikileaks exposes “TrapWire”, government spy network using regular surveillance cameras. Suffers DDoS.

Welcome to the wonderfully quiet Police State, folks. Wikileaks has expose “TrapWire”, a government program that uses ordinary surveillance cameras to spy on the reg. In response, the site has suffered a rather massive DDoS. Sadly, you know what? Shit is unnecessary. The average United States citizen don’t give no fucks, as long as they have their fried foods and reality television.

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LASER CHARGING Gives STALKER DRONE ‘Practically Unlimited’ Time In The Air. Game Over, Yo.

If you weren’t already uncomfortable about the usage of drones over native soil (look it up), or the idea that they can be hacked by college kids (look it up), maybe this will get your attention. Practically unlimited flight time is upon us.

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DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Says Citizens Have Right To Record Police On Duty.

I’m not sure why I’m covering this, since I’m not a lawatician or anything, save for the fact that I find it really interesting.  The US Department of Justice sent a reprimand to the Baltimore Police Deparment this past Monday being all like, “citizens can video tape you on duty”, high-fiving civil rights for once.

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Portland, Oregon Considering All-Seeing CCTV Surveillance. Wut? Weird.

This is weird as hell to me and my clueless ass. I thought that Porltand, OR was some sort of hipster haven where people smoke pot in the streets and beers can be traded for high-fives at bars. Now they’re going to go full CCTV stylee? Odd.\

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