

Hey man, when you’re a producer you can reach for the stars. The producer of The Bourne Legacy has aspirations for the follow-up flick to this summer’s latest installment of Jeremy Renner Punches People. He dreams of Jeremy Renner and Matt Damon Punching People Together.

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‘THE BOURNE LEGACY’ TRAILER: Jeremy Renner’s Ass Kicking Marathon Marches On

Pretty much all Jeremy Renner does these days is spending weeks and months kicking people’s fictional asses in front of the moving pictures machines. I’m quite okay with this.  As any intelligently marketed Renner flick would have, this trailer for The Bourne Legacy  features said Renner smashing said faces. Oh! It’s also got some Edward Norton up in this house. I’ve missed you, Eddie.

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‘The Avengers’ Gets A New Poster, They Love POSING.

Errbuddy Strike A Pose.

Unbeknownst to DC, a good amount of material for The Avengers  is being generated by none other than Jim Lee. Only this secret fact hidden in the darkness of subterfuge can explain the insane amount of posing going on in this poster, the trailer, and the promo pics.

Hit the jump. Strike a pose.

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Trailer: ‘The Bourne Legacy’, Or ‘Jeremy Renner Shoots Things.’

Hey!, it’s Jeremy Renner shooting more things!

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‘Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol’ Teaser Trailer Drops. It’s Rad, Dude. Rad.

Without a fucking hint of irony: I think the trailer for Zany Tom Cruise’s next Mission Impossible flick is awesome. Great cast. Great director. Sexy, sleak action fun, starring some guy who thinks he’s an alien.

No really, it looks awesome.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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Cameo Alert: Hawkeye Is In The Thor Movie. Makes Sense?

Watching the Thor trailer today prior to The Fighter got my balls tingling a bit more for the flick. Imma level with you: I would arm wrestle my girlfriend for a chance at Chris Hemsworth. And I’d fight dirty. Dropping elbows, spin-kicks. Eye gouges. A true hardcore arm wrestling match.

Well, when I got home, I found out that Hawkeye is totally making a cameo in Thor. Word? According to Slashfilm, “The Wrap says that Jeremy Renner will appear in Thor as Hawkeye. In some ways this isn’t new, because Jeremy Renner himself mentioned last year that he expected Hawkeye to show up in Thor.”

Well then. I don’t really know how Hawkeye fits into the Thor movie, but I’m not sure Marvel gives a fuck. They’ve been shoehorning the various Marvel characters into other titles since what, the original Iron Man? Yo Marvel. We get it. It’s an interconnected universe. Seriously. We’re nodding our head. Because we get it.

Jeremy Renner To Shoot Assholes As Hawkeye In The Avengers Movie


Jeremy Renner plays a ridiculous bad ass in The Hurt Locker. And he plays a sharpshooting bad ass in 28 Weeks Later. So fuck yeah!, at him playing Hawkeye in the Avengers movie.

via slashfilm:

Man, the past twenty-four hours have been all Marvel, all the time. From Captain America and Thor concept art to more Cap casting and now this confirmation of a rumor that started around Thanksgiving of last year: Jeremy Renner is close to signing a deal to appear in The Avengers as the hero Hawkeye.

Righteous! Who the fuck is Hawkeye? You newbie! In the regular Marvel Universe, Hawkeye is a douchebag with exceptional aim with a bow and arrow. Then he died, and uh, became this guy Ronin, who had exceptional aim and shit with swords.

But in the Ultimate universe, dudebro is a master of bullets and gunpowder-based ownery. Since the Marvel Movieverse seems based off of the Ultimate mythos, here’s hoping Renner gets to be a bad ass with dual-wielding enormo-guns. And not some schmuck with a purple outfit and a quiver.