
‘BREAKING BAD’ POSTERS by Francesco Francavilla are so dope they (CHEMICAL) BURN.


I hateeee myself and my dumb punsss almost as much as I love these sexy Breaking Bad posters by Francesco Francavilla. Enough of my nonsense, hit the jump to check them out.

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Buy These Stinkin’ Comics! – Jan 15, 2013: Don’t deepthroat the rodents.

Welcome to Buy These Stinkin’ Comics!, the far too irregular/theoretically weekly comic book column. When this rotting husk of a column manifests, its intended use is to share the various comic titles that we are all interested in on a given week. Audience participation is requested – nay – required to make this monster’s heart beat. Should you not see a comic listed that you’re interested in (and you will, my taste generally is lacking), share it in the comments section. Let’s do this.

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Francesco Francavilla’s Superman Is Pretty. Very Pretty.

There’s something pretty about the simplicity of Francesco Francavilla’s Superman over at Comic Twart. Not surprising, since Francavilla’s art is, in general, very easy on the eyes.