
‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Final Trailer: Revenge is best served post-apocalyptic

I Don’t Blame Ridley Scott for Prometheus

This isn’t really a Prometheus review. By now you’ve most likely seen the movie, read reviews, or heard about it from your boys. This article is a rant with plenty of spoilers.

Does anyone honestly expect greatness from Sir Ridley Scott anymore? There’s no doubt he’s still a master craftsman who can create some truly stunning visuals. But for a while now he’s been more concerned with those visuals than with minor annoyances like story and characters. That’s why for his prequel to Alien Scott was cool working off of a script originally written by the guy who wrote The Darkest Hour (remember that one?), that was later touched up by Damon Lindelof. We all know Lindelof from Lost, which we still argue about, but that’s only because we still love it so much.

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PROMETHEUS: Big Things Have Vacant Beginnings [PLUS YOUR REACTION]

It’s a bit of a stretch, asking anyone to come out of Prometheus this weekend without an overwhelming sensation of feeling hollow.  It’s a rather empty, desolate film in all the ways that matter:  setting, visuals, character – even plot.  There just isn’t a lot there.

Compounding the problem is that the marketing machine behind the film has inadvertently already given you 90% of it.  Walking out of the theatre tonight or tomorrow will feel like you’ve just seen an extended trailer, albeit a two hour one.

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Phew. I was frightened. We hadn’t been blasted across the nips with Prometheus  images in like, a day. Maybe even two. Here’s some off the digi-presses, courtesy of Advertisement (Entertainment) Weekly.

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NEW ‘PROMETHEUS’ TV SPOT: Charlize Theron Is A Total Boner Killer

Absolutely! Ridley Scott and your company of Advertising Wizards please feel free to continue slowly rolling out the glory that is Prometheus  information. In this new TV spot  Noomi Rapace gets totally hot and heavy with a beau while Charlize Theron is all “we’re all going to die, #buzzkill, #buzzkill”. Whatever the case, it’s more goddamn awesomeness. Check it out after the break.

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‘SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN’ TRAILER #2: Middle Earth Inception Horns

I didn’t think I was interested in Snow White And The Chase For Middle Earth Bucks, but then I saw Charlize Theron emerge from some sort of binding milky goo. Then I was mildly interested.

Hit the jump to watch, leave your impressions.

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