
Joss Whedon quits the ‘Batgirl’ movie which is completely fucking okay, right?

joss whedon exits batgirl movie

I don’t know if it’s just me, but Joss Whedon being attached to a property just doesn’t get my nuts glistening anymore. If it ever did, honestly. Never been a big Whedonite, but I’d be negligent if I didn’t acknowledge that I was excited when he was named the director of the Avengers flicks. So, I’m not particularly torn-up about him dropping out of the Batgirl movie. You?

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Joss Whedon directing ‘Batgirl’ standalone movie

joss whedon batgirl movie

Woah. Eons ago, Joss Whedon tried to direct a female-led DC movie, in the form of Wonder Woman. He didn’t ever get it made. But now he’s getting a shot at another popular DC female character. Batgirl!

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