
The ‘Uncharted’ flick will start shooting in early 2015


The Uncharted movie is one of those projects that’s talked about so fucking often, in so many contradictory ways, that I’ve sort of just tuned it out. So color me surprised to hear that the film will begin shooting in early 2015. ‘Cause frankly I had completely forgotten that it had even found a director.

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‘FANTASTIC FOUR’ REBOOT dropping Spring of 2015. That year is choking.

Well tits. I thought that this year was a busy year for superhero movies, and I suppose it was. However, it ain’t going to have anything in comparison to 2015. A year already choking on superhero films is having another one added to the calendar. That’s right! Fantastic Four, come on down. Join the deluge of tights-and-lasers flicks that will be competing against one another in the third year since the Mayan apocalypse.

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