
Images & Words – Joe the Barbarian #7

[images & words is the comic book pick-of-the-week at OL. equal parts review and diatribe, the post highlights the most memorable/infuriating/entertaining book released that wednesday]

Sometimes I feel as though I might be some sort of alien entity, a stranger without a tribe. It’s easy to fall for this illusion as our culture puts so much emphasis on the individual. You are so special. There is no one quite like you. After all, you are one of a kind. And while I understand the motives behind the self-esteem movement, I find the outcomes disastrous; instead of being taught to help one another because we’re all crew members on Spaceship Earth, individuals come to see themselves as completely separate.

And not even fragmented sections of a whole. Different from, and incapable of relating to, others. But my hippie-sense is telling me that there aren’t really any others, just anothers.

Okay, let me pause for a moment as I dance on this fine line. I’m not saying that humanity is a homogeneous being or that every person is identical. Really, I’m not. Truth be told, I think the way that the mouth-breathing masses develop is quite different than those upon whom I heap admiration. There are all different shades of humanity. But sometimes I forget that the progressing hues all reside on the same gradient scale.

So why is my newfound interest in commonality making its way onto OL? Well, because I love Joe the Barbarian. And I love the comic because it reminds me that there are shared facets of the human experience.

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The Last Guardian Trailer Drops At TGS; We’re Not Worthy, But We’ll Take It.

Team ICO has dropped Ico and Shadow of the Colossus on our asses. And while we’re not worthy of either of these beauties, and we have paid for those inadequacies in heart-wrenching tears, I think it’s safe to say that we’re all clamoring for the team’s next release: The Last Guardian. Info about the title has been sparse like my nuts are stank, but today at the Tokyo Game Show, Sony dropped a trailer. It’s gorgeous. Prepare to feel the beauty, yo. Hit the jump to check out the video.

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Views From The Space-Ship: The Price of Progress Is Caffeine

[Views From The Space-Ship, aka Desktop Tuesdays, aka Desktop Thursdays  is a (theoretically) weekly column where show you my worlds. Both real and virtual. Then, I invite you to share your own worlds in the comments!]

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Don’t Like Apple? Steve Jobs Got A Ninja Star For Your Dumb Face

Steve Jobs is a bad motherfucker. I’ve known this since it became clear that Apple was going toe-to-toe with Google to take over the world and mind-rape us with telepathic waves emanating from their devices. However, I have begun to fear that the Apple-pocalypse is sooner than we think. Why? Well, remember when Steve Jobs was sick last year or some shit? And looked awful? Recent news has made one thing clear: Steve Jobs actually passed away and was resurrected by The Hand. Oh wait? You think the Hand is just an undead ninja clan from the Marvel Universe?

Then check this out: Steve Jobs was stopped last year by airport security from boarding his own private plane. Why? ‘Cause the dude was trying to bring shuriken aboard. How else do you explain it? It’s obvious.

According to a Japanese magazine, Spa!, Jobs was stopped by what were obviously Forces of Good from boarding his own plane last year. They stopped him because he was trying to bring ninja stars aboard. He then pointed out to them that it seemed a bit absurd to worry that he was going to hijack his own plane, not revealing his true intentions: planning to kill everyone who complained about the forthcoming Death Grip on the iPhone 4, and the price of an iPad. Jobs then swore off ever going to Japan again (I’m not making this up), and probably sent Hand ninjas to assaassainate the grandmothers of those who stopped him.

As I said, Steve Jobs is a bad motherfucker.

Asura’s Wrath Takes A Crap On Your Most Anticipated Game – Good Lord.

Alright Capcom, what the fuck is this shit? I just crapped my pants and puked all over my keyboard watching your trailer for Asura’s Wrath. It is among the most insane things I’ve ever seen, and makes my previous fapping over Shadows of the Damned look fucking antiquated and misplaced. Asura’s Wrath’s trailed needs to be watched to appreciate. Nothing like a good chap fighting an entire army while getting impaled by hundreds of spears. Not to cut him some slack, his enemy then summons a fucking god that brings the finger of death from outer space to lay an ass-whupping. Just watch this fucking trailer after the jump.

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Shadows of the Damned Is Resident Evil + No More Heroes = Nergasm.

Jesus Christ. This shit came out of nowhere for me. Suda 51 (No More Heroes) and Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil 4, amongst 3,000 other things) are teaming-up to form the video game equivalent of the WWF’s Two Dudes With Attitudes. We’ll figure out who is Diesel and who is HBK later. Today at TGS they dropped the trailer for their game, Shadows of the Damned, which is amongst other things, fucking awesome, and ridiculous. Hit the jump to check out the trailer.

You’re welcome for the genital engorgement that follows.

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Variant Covers: I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours!

Oh shit! With tomorrow being Wednesday, this is your one-stop shopping center for a rundown on tomorrow’s comic book releases; Variant Covers. Ain’t it a glorious thing? Tomorrow being Wednesday and all. Wednesdays. Hump day. I don’t know how or why the good lord decided that Wednesday was the day designed for new comic book releases, but g’damn if I ain’t grateful. I mean sure I’m a graduate student and I don’t actually “work”, okay? But reading three-hundred pages of DuBois can get its grind on, you know? Got some funny books to tide me over, until the weekend. Even if them weekends don’t mean as much to us unemployed.

I’m throwing a sinking curveball today. Instead of glossing over the releases, I’m going to expose myself to you. I’m going to highlight all the titles I actually intend on buying. This is in stark contrast to my decided efforts on the occasion to give love to things I’m not really feeling out of charity. Or more likely, recognition of my own poor taste. But this shit is the real deal, the titles I’m snaggin’ with a shit-eating grin tomorrow. And in case you’re wondering? Shit is delicious.

Hit the comments box with your own pull-list. We’ll compare sizes and quality. Maybe even girth.


Northlanders #32
Brian Wood is fucking awesome. Do enough comic book fans recognize this? I’m not sure. After expressing my concerns to my brother, I was reassured that he’s respected within the walls of Geekdom. I fucking hope so, man. I really do. He isn’t penning Uncanny X-Factor: Fucking & Punching or anything for the Two Juggernauts, and because of that I’m hoping the chap gets the buzz anyways. Since I don’t troll forums or communicate with the inner workings of my nerd brethren, I’m not sure.

But this I do know, again. Brian Wood is fucking awesome. If you need proof, you’re going to read Northlanders #32 this week. Part three of the storyline “Metal”, it features a rampaging viking named Erik as he goes about culling the Christian population from his land while making love to a beautiful lady by the name of Ingrid in the woods. It’s a commentary on religion and power set to the tune of headwounds. Crank the Amon Amarth and get down to this shit.

[Aside: I read DMZ in collected format, but the new issue drops this week. If you’re not reading DMZ in some capacity, you’re failing. I spurn thee. Also, I’m picking up DV8: Gods and Monsters #6 by Sir Wood as well this week. After textually fellating him, I’m just folding that purchase into this post. To spare you gagging on my gagging on Wood.]


Harlan Ellison’s Phoenix Without Ashes #2
The second issue of the comic book-adaptation of a failed television show based on an Ellison script drops this week, and I’m stoked. The first issue was pure set-up, but that’s expected out of a premiere, non? Shit was something like The Village Meets Uh Maybe Dark City Or Something. Christ, I know I’m not doing it a solid by describing it that way.

The basics: a young chap by the name of Devon lives on the world-village Cypress Corners, which is governed by a bunch of Amish-looking motherfuckers who proclaim to channel the world of the “creator’s machine”. Devon, as a bunch of similar young men, is powered by love and conviction and is like “fuck your dumb fraudulent machine”, after discovering it is all a farce. Dude is chased out of the village, and by the end of the first issue, he’s staring at an opening mechanical gape in the ground.

Sci-Fi porn featuring a critique of assuming the proclamations of the powerful to be correct? I’m there. You should be too.


Thor: For Asgard #2
It’s a great week to be a World of Warcraft-playing dork like me. Serious fucking viking and epic overload. The second issue of Rodi and Bianchi’s look at Thor and his pretty assy attempt at ruling Asgard drops, and it’s worth buying for the artwork alone. Bianchi’s pencils are the work that nerd orgasms are made of. Good lord! Shields! And swords! And cleavage! Rendered in such splendor! Last issue concluded with Thor getting righteously cock-blocked by Mjolnir. Why hast his hammer forsaken him?

Dude’s got it rough. His Dad went out on some pilgrimage, and now he isn’t even dubbed worthy of wielding his trusty smash-mallet.


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A Badd Way to Start Your Week

Monday mornings can be a real drag. But they’re a bit more tolerable if you blare ridiculous rap. G’ahead, it doesn’t matter if you’re at work – your boss will love this shit. For your listening/viewing pleasure, I present the Ying Yang Twins’ Badd. Gahdamn, this is has to be one of my favorite music videos of all time.

I just hope the aliens don’t stumble across it when they’re doing their assessment of humanity.

This! Is! Mad Men! – The Summer Man

[This! Is! Mad Men! recaps the newest developments of Don Draper and his ragtag group of cohorts. In the spirit of the show, it will often be sexist and drunk. Apologies ahead of time.]

Ok, here we   go again – my unedited, stream-of-conscious thoughts about this week’s episode of Mad Men:

So we start with Draper reflecting on the fact that he never finished high school, has been drinking too much, and has never managed to pound out more than 250 words at a time. Is this the beginning of the upward swing we’ve all been waiting for? God I hope so.

Oh shit – John Draper’s smoking a butt in his sunglasses while the Rolling Stones’ Satisfaction plays. As a straight male with a fulfulling relationship, nothing has ever been more homosexually tempting. This guy is a fuggin’ stud through and through.

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Images & Words – THOR: The Mighty Avenger #4

[images & words is the comic book pick-of-the-week at OL. equal parts review and diatribe, the post highlights the most memorable/infuriating/entertaining book released that wednesday]

Oh snap! It’s already Sunday!? Where did this week go? How could I have let work and personal tragedy get in the way of reading comics? Egads! Well then, the Sabbath will be kept holy! The funnies will be revered!

The best dang book from this week’s pile is THOR: The Might Avenger #4. Although OL’s been keeping an eye on this series for awhile now, we’ve yet to to grant it “best of” status. Which is damn shame, because this incarnation of the God of Thunder’s exploits is fuggin’ astounding. It’s bright and fun and full of the optimistic energy that Marvel is known for. Or used to be. Or still is, I’m not sure.

This issue picks up where the first three left off, bringing the readers through the origin-story of Thor’s arrival on Earth. The beautiful, bulky blond is straight chillin’ with his babe of an Earth-host, Jane Foster. In this retelling, Jane is an expert of Norse mythology and employed by a local museum – so of course she can’t help but take Goldilocks into her care when he stumbles off of the rainbow-bridge. Their relationship is slightly flirtatious, completely well-intentioned, and wholly endearing.

This most recent issue sees Thor’s homeboys the Warriors Three coming to visit him in his new realm. In search of a night of merriment and drinking, the foursome head to a tavern in England. Once there, the normal hijinks ensue; Fandral finds fleeting romance with the female bartender, Hogun keeps mum and Volstagg is the life of the party. And after Thor makes a scene when no one in the bar can tell him how to get to Trondheim, Captain Britain has to come regulate.

The ensuing confrontation between Captain Britain and Thor (with assistance from his buddies) is more of a skills-demonstration than a battle-to-the-death. What we see is warriors duking it out over a misunderstanding, being impressed by one another, and then ending the night by sharing a few rounds of brew! This is the type of friendly competition that is far too-often overlooked in favor of blood-feuds.

Roger Langridge’s script is both lighthearted and action packed. The characters, even when they are in the midst of more serious matters, always bring a smile to the reader’s face; for instance, even the Warriors Three’s investigations of Thor’s inability to recall his banishment is rife with jocular banter and witticisms. Fortunately, Samnee‘s pencils only make the comic stronger, lending a classic cartoon flair to even the most violent fight scenes. Chris Samnee manages to incorporate a level of detail into the art, which makes the almost animated stylings worthy of repeat-readings.

The word I find myself using over and over to describe this comic book is fun. This is a series for children and adults, for comics fans and newcomers, for writers and artists. There is no reason, provided that this quality continues, that this series can’t win and Eisner.

Or a whole heap of `em.