
Scientists baffled by strange radio waves coming from center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The aliens are inside the cosmic house!

scientists radio waves milky way galaxy

Scientists ain’t got a clue about the fucking strange radio waves coming from the center of our galaxy. Ain’t got a fucking clue! Straight baffled! But, I mean, come on. It’s (probably not) aliens. Obviously.

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Space Swoon: Behold the Milky Way Galaxy’s center!

milky way center

Yo! Check out this image, which features the center of the Milky Way Galaxy! And, of course, it’s goddamn gorgeous.

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Scientists can’t explain strange bubbles that sandwich our galaxy. Put it on the fucking list of unknowns, dudes!

scientist bubbles milky way galaxy

Our galaxy is sandwich by two high-energy bubbles. The Fermi bubbles. We know they are there. However, that’s about all we fucking know. Wild.

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Milky Way Galaxy’s supermassive black hole got 75 times brighter for two-hours and we got no goddamn clue why

milky way galaxy brighter

Recently, our Milky Way Galaxy’s supermassive black hole shone brighter than a motherfucker for two-hours. And, the reason for it? We got no idea. Which is half of the awesomeness.

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Astronomers have found that the Milky Way Galaxy is “warped and twisted” just like its inhabitants

Surprisingly, at least to me, is this shit! The Milky Way Galaxy ain’t flat like a pancake. Instead, our galaxy’s stellar disk is an s-shape. Pretty fucking wild.

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Milky Way Galaxy still shows scars from collision with a “ghost of a galaxy” because space fucking rules!

milky way collision ghost galaxy

The Milky Way Galaxy! Home to all known life in the Universe. Also, survivor of a collision with a ghost of a galaxy. Fucking awesome.

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Milky Way Galaxy has holes in it from a “dense bullet” of something. Scientists got no idea, and I love it

milky way galaxy holes

Another day, another fucking mystery in the cosmos. The latest? Oh, you know. The Milky Way Galaxy has fucking holes in it from a dense bullet of something. Amazing.

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Space Swoon: The Hubble Glimpses the Heart of the Milky Way Galaxy

Space Swoon: The Most Complete Picture of the futzing Milky Way Galaxy ever taken

Hubble gives us a look at the densest part of the Milky Way


Space is big! And mostly void! But here Hubble is giving us a glimpse into the densest, most dank point in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Arches Cluster.

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