
‘VERONICA MARS’ Movie Trailer: That Feel Good Nostalgia

Veronica Mars.

Whoop, whoop! That’s the sound of the police! Or rather the witty, teenage gumshoe Veronica Mars back on the scene. But she ain’t a teenager no more, and this ain’t the small screen. Boom! See! ‘Cause it’s the trailer for the Veronica Mars movie. I’m fucking stoked! Stoked! Watching the trailer reminds me of how much I used to love this show. And how long ago the show was on. Fuck, I’m getting old. Darkness, darkness. Beautiful Kristen Bell. More darkness.

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‘VERONICA MARS’ MOVIE Official First Look: Oh I Have A Happy Bell-yache! Yeah whatever stfu.


First footage from the Veronica Mars movie? Yes, please, and thank you.

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‘VERONICA MARS’ MOVIE gets Kickstarted! Already passed its goal. Boom! Dynamite!

Veronica Mars.

Man. I fucking needed this today. The local sports team lost one of its biggest players. Summer unemployment is looming. Google Reader is dying. Talk about stabbing my rot-gut. It appears I am not to fully despair, however. The Veronica Mars movie lives. Lives damn well. Today, series creator Rob Thomas and star Kristen Bell launched a Kickstarter to fund the son of a bitch, and ten hours later the goal had been surpassed. Well done, my friends.

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