
Weekend Open Bar: Heel To Throat (And I Like It)

heel to throat

Yeah! It’s Saturday. And I’m just opening up this weekend’s Open Bar. Which means, since OL is already pretty quiet these days, that it’s just going to be me rambling to myself about what I’m doing this weekend. That’s fine! I’ve brought this upon myself. I’ve brought this upon myself! But this is Weekend Open Bar, and name is Ian Omega-Caffeine Powered-Xavier Thunderkick.

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Watch: 90 YEAR-OLD WOMAN tries OCULUS RIFT VR, is understandably rocked.

Strapped to the dome.

In this video, a 90 year-old woman tries out the Oculus Rift VR headset. The lass is blown away by the immersive snippet of the future. The video is particularly fantastic when considering the paradigm shift this woman has lived through in her ninety years on the Blue Marble. Such chicanery strapped to her head would have been preposterous to contemplate even halfway into her life, and now this. Technology can be good.

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