
Capcom is Re-Releasing ‘Street Fighter II’ on a SNES cartridge which may or may not catch fire. Fucking talk about YMMV, dude

street fighter 2 collectible may catch fire

Capcom is really just slinging their testicles around with this one, friends. They aren’t just re-releasing Street Fighter 2 on a collectible cartridge for $100 (when you can buy it the original for like $8). No ma’am. They’re also casually letting it slip that, hey, it’s just a collectible and it may fucking catch on fire if you actually play it.

Bro, I’m fucking serious.

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‘Street Fighter 2’ turns 25 years-old today. We old, breh. We old.

Goddamn. Those of us who remember playing Street Fighter 2 in the arcade, are old.  I mean — the game itself 25-futzing-years old? I still remember putting them quarters up on the arcade cabinet to hold the next game. Usually on a Saturday afternoon in some dingy dive bar/shitty family amusement center. My Mom probably putzing around, nice enough to waste her Saturday so her DorkLord kid can blow her hard earned money. Then when it was my turn, I would eagerly, and happily, spamming fireballs with Ryu as an older, more talented dude would whoop my ass. Usually with Dhalsim or some shit. 25-futzing-years old!

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Watch: Brock Lesnar x ‘Street Fighter 2’ = Car Destruction

Act Your Age With Capcom Retro Collections

Face it: you’re old. That’s what I tell myself as I stare into the abyss that is my ever-increasing forehead. As the hair recedes, all that is left is pale, shiny flesh that serves only to reflect past glories and hide regret within the ever-deepening recesses. This week sees two ‘retro’ collection releases from Capcom appearing on our shelves. The games I grew up with are now fit for re-packaging and retro bumper packs. It’s all getting too real. Still, it’s hard to feel sorry for myself when I’m smashing the collective face of the Mad Gear Gang with Mike Haggar’s iron pipe of justice (trademark pending).

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‘Street Fighter 2’ Turns 20 Years Old. Good Lord.

It’s been brought to my attention that Street Fighter 2 turns fucking 20 years old this month. All of a sudden my receding hairline, graying follicles, and achy back make sense. I’m getting old as fuck. It feels like just yesterday I was begging enabling parents for quarters to play a few rounds of this son of a bitch at the movie theater. Or begging them to take me to the local arcade so dudes ten years older than me can take me to the woodshed in the game.

But I didn’t give a fuck, it was Street Fighter 2.

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