
NASA has discovered organic compounds on Mars. Or not. Equivocating like woah.

It’s time to get excited, while simultaneously not getting excited! NASA has unveiled that they’ve found organic compounds on Mars, except maybe they’re not from Mars. Yeah, wait, huh? Am I excited, or not? I have this pint of apple-urine deliciousness, but I need to know if I’m throwing it on a flower or drinking it with a smile. Someone. Tell me.

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NASA discovers that MERCURY has water at its poles. G’damn space miracle.

How is this for unexpected. The planet closest to the Sun sports frozen water and its poles. The barren ball of Space Hell may contain the building blocks of life. Or something. God. Damn. Fascinating. Lord, I love it when  scientist wizards find something so completely counter-intuitive to common beliefs. The mysteries of the Universe give our arrogance the finger, lurking behind the pale of discovery.

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Video: 4D scan of a fetus YAWNING in the womb. Woah ++

New science-technology wizardy has revealed that we begin our slumberous swagger all up in our mother’s guts. For reasons they’re still trying to figure out, Scientist Wizards have observed a soon-baby yawning. Ain’t easy coming into existence. It’s exhausting.

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Scientists create BRAIN-ON-A-CHIP for drug testing. We fly too high, Icarus!

Well, this is one way to test drugs and study head injuries and the such. Create a bunch of living cells on a chip! Yeah man. And when those cells go sentient, mutate, and clone themselves a body, I want to be the one that gets to yell “told you so, you fucks!”

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Video: Highlights from Felix Baumgartner’s frakin’ dive from space. So tasty.

I missed Felix’s fantastic leap from space yesterday, working the NYCC. Goddammit. If these highlights are anything to go off of, the entire endeavor was glorious.

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SPACE JUNK is a problem. Solution? Ballistic gas clouds. Oh, humans.

Got a problem? Blow it the fuck up! Such is the mantra of the Western world, and at the very worst results have been mixed. We’re taking our tried and true method to space now, folks. There is a lot of junk up there, and certainly there is only one way to dispose of it. By explodey-time.

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This machine can SEQUENCE A GENOME in two days. Science is good.

Marvel at the Future, friends. Wrap your arms around it, for it is here. This wunder-machine is capable of sequencing the genome of new born babies in a mere two days. Mind-boggling stuff.

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ROBOTIC SNAKE designed to slither through your body and eradicate tumors. Erm.

I’m all for progress. Science. Medicine. Don’t get me wrong. I just don’t know how I feel about unleashing a robotic snake in my body, even if that swag is under the guise of eradicating tumors. Eh, who the hell am I kidding. I’d probably get off on it. I’m freaky like that. How you doing?

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This DWARF GALAXY is a pretty look at a potential cosmic food.

Scientists developing LASERS to replace needs for pain-free injections? No more passing out for me!

Fuck yeah! Gone are going to be the days when I cave over in nausea from the thought of a needle. Actually, my problem is more germane to the taking of blood. Can’t give any of my hemoglobin without needing some orange juice and a pillow. This is still dope though, lasers and science and fuck yeah!

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