
‘Star Wars’ Artist Ralph McQuarrie Has Died at 82. F**king Legend.

Ralph McQuarrie has passed away. Son of a bitch, that mortality. If you know Star Wars, then you’ve loved on his designs for the universe. Lucas himself has penned a eulogy. Hit the jump to check it out.

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Found! Ralph McQuarrie ‘STAR TREK’ 1977 concept art. Gorgeous.

File under: shit I didn’t know. To be fair, that file is enormous. According to io9, around the time that McQuarrie was dropping the concept art for Star Wars that us geeks have jacked it to for years, he was designing some Trek concept sheezy too. The concept art is for a Trek movie that never got off the ground, Star Trek: Planet of the Titans. However flawed the scripts may have been, the artwork is fucking gorgeous. And familiar. Very familiar. There’s some super-Star Wars overtones running throughout, but that’s pretty win-win, no?

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