
DARPA building tiny brain implant to treat PTSD. Futurism x mental health.

Brain implant.

Pretty fucking radical, shit! Usually DARPA seems dead set on bringing the robotic harbingers of the Apocalypse into the world. However their latest reveal is a tiny brain implant that would treat PTSD.

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cyberpunk as fuck!

The future is now-now-now! Concerned about getting your fucking arm lopped off by your Dad in a lightsaber battle? Good fucking news! The inventor of the Segway has just gotten approval from the FDA for his mind-controlled prosthetic arm.

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Researchers grow HUMAN TISSUE around nanowires and transistors. CYBORG FLESH, ya’ll.

Isn’t much time until Caprica Six is launching nuclear strikes and boning wily, narcissistic scientists. Researchers have found a way to grow human flesh around all sorts of technology. We’re talking nanowires! Pow! We’re talking transistors! Pow! The future isn’t arriving, it is here. Eating out of your refrigerator and casting uncomfortable looks at your Mom’s legs.

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