
‘Just Cause 3’ Mission Trailer: Do As You Please In Murder Town

Just Cause 3 is going to be a game I miss on launch. ‘Cause Fallout4andRiseofTheTombRaider for days. But if this mission trailer is any indication, it’s going to be a goddamn blast whenever I pick it up.

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Chip Zdarsky’s ‘Secret Wars’ #1 variant is the party starter

‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Extended Trailer: Cap Is Sort Of Worthy

Sort of worthy.

Last week Hydra leaked the Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer that was supposed to shown during this week’s Agents of SHIELD. Not to be deterred by the bad guys, Marvel announced they would reveal even more footage during AoS. Or maybe it’s not to be deterred from trying to draw eyes to the dying show. (Listen, I like the show. But the numbers ain’t great.) Either way — here’s the extended trailer they dropped.

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Friday Brew Review – Halloween Ale

Gritty's Halloween

I may be finally starting to lose my mind. For real. I’ve spent the early evening inside of a slightly metrosexual argyle sweater, listening to Led Zeppelin II and drinking beer. While I’m enjoying bathing in the autumn air pouring in from my open window, I’m starting to worry that I may start shouting out of it.

Luckily, I’ve made a promise to both Caffeine-Powered and myself to delivery a weekly beverage review, so any open condemnations of society will have to wait. It is time to talk about beer and nothing is more important than that!

This week, I repealed my declaration against seasonal brews. Still leaving the hay-themed pumpkin-flavored whatnots to others, I picked up a six pack of Gritty McDuff’s Halloween Ale. Yes — I am a sucker and the label with a decapitated head is what initially sold me. Fuck, we’re in the beginning of the goddamn OCTOBERFEAST and I can’t help but get excited by horror-themed promotions.

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Friday Brew Review – Jack’s Pumpkin Spice Ale

Brew Review 1

It’s Friday. Finally. TGI-fuckin’-F or whatever. If only it were 1989 again and I could rock the TGIF lineup, I may not have need to write this. But alas, times have changed and I can no longer rely on ABC’s transdimensional-series cameos to help kill the memories of the week.

Instead, I need a cold brew. And since I’m drinking anyways, I figure that I might as well take the opportunity to review the beverage for the six diehard, dedicated readers of OL.

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