
GAME BOY has turned 25 f**king years old. I am decrepit.

Game Boy

YEAH OKAY SO OFFICIALLY IT WAS YESTERDAY when Game Boy turned 25 years-old. But we’re going to talk about it today. ‘Cause this is my virtual house. And on top of not wearing shoes, making it okay to pee in the sink, and insisting the running water is replaced with Diet Dew, a main rule of mine is we talk about shit when I want to. (Or I get around to it.) But yeah seriously fuck Game Boy has turned old as shit, marking me as older than shit.

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‘VERONICA MARS’ Movie Trailer: That Feel Good Nostalgia

Veronica Mars.

Whoop, whoop! That’s the sound of the police! Or rather the witty, teenage gumshoe Veronica Mars back on the scene. But she ain’t a teenager no more, and this ain’t the small screen. Boom! See! ‘Cause it’s the trailer for the Veronica Mars movie. I’m fucking stoked! Stoked! Watching the trailer reminds me of how much I used to love this show. And how long ago the show was on. Fuck, I’m getting old. Darkness, darkness. Beautiful Kristen Bell. More darkness.

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Oh golly, these fucking bones. No wonder my asshole is leaking more than usual. The gray hairs are taking up serious residence on my dome-piece. I’m getting old. Not only am I aging like a motherfucker, but I’m getting reminders of my forthcoming senility too.

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