
Zounds! PlayStation 4 PROTOTYPE CONTROLLER in the wild. Check it.

Steel yourself.

Here it is, friends. A look a PlayStation 4 controller. Well, its prototype. My thoughts? Seems pretty snazzy. I can dig it.

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Buy These Stinkin’ Comics! – Jan 15, 2013: Don’t deepthroat the rodents.

Welcome to Buy These Stinkin’ Comics!, the far too irregular/theoretically weekly comic book column. When this rotting husk of a column manifests, its intended use is to share the various comic titles that we are all interested in on a given week. Audience participation is requested – nay – required to make this monster’s heart beat. Should you not see a comic listed that you’re interested in (and you will, my taste generally is lacking), share it in the comments section. Let’s do this.

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Mr. Pipboy Goes Stay Puft Marshmellow Man! All Will Cower!

[Source: Renée Chio via Gamefreaks]