
Video: NASA animations follows the birth and death of a disk galaxy.

Do you want to follow the development of a disk galaxy, starting right up at the Big Bang? The answer is of course you want to. Enjoy some mid-afternoon existential toggling. Kindly reminding you that shit does not matter.

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NASA made a 30MB gif of the Texas tornadoes. My browser weeps.

Holy fucking it's a twister, Dorothy!

I was at work, rendering a 3D model of the thalamus, when I heard about the Texas tornadoes. Well, to be fair, my co-worker came tripping into my desk and exclaimed, “TORNADOES ARE THROWING 18-WHEELERS IN THE AIR LIKE FUCKING GRADUATION CAPS.” Now that is a statement that buys you ten minutes of my undivided attention.

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VIDEO: NASA’S ‘Perpetual Ocean’ Animation is Trippy Ocean Current Bliss

NASA is getting their trippy on with this animation. It depicts all the ocean currents rocking out at once, and we the viewer get to bask in their science. I’m personally doing so in my underwear, mowing a cold can of Campbell’s Chunky soup. You continue on NASA with your wizardy, I’ll continue seeing the bar low for us geeks of the world.

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