
BioWare Making Fan-Designed ‘MASS EFFECT Hoodies Into Actual Products. Hell Yeah.

Remember those fan-designed  Mass Effect  hoodies I dropped a while back? Well, they are going to be procurable. ‘Cause they’re going to be real. Really real. Not like your friend Tildo The Unicorn Man, who haunts you in your dreams and tickles you while you’re in class.

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‘MASS EFFECT’ HOODIES Are Gaming Threads Worth Wearing

Talented son of a bitch and  deviantART user  lupodirosso  dropped the thunder this week in the form of some mock-ups for Mass Effect  hoodies. They’re sexy. They’re styling. They’re almost enough to wash the ME3  ending-inflicted  vomit-flecked blood-stains off my walls.

Hit the jump to check them out.

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Right after I comment on the fact that Jennifer Hale hasn’t dropped any lines as Commander Shepard for future Mass Effect 3  content comes this BioWare statement about the “new” ending that has been promised.

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Commander Shepard Hasn’t Recorded Any New ‘MASS EFFECT 3’ Dialogue. For Now.

BioWare has promised the groaning, miserable legions of Mass Effect 3  detractors a new ending. What they haven’t promised is a release date for this new ending, or told them what the ending would contain. As well, if there’s going to anything with Shepard in this new ending, one of the voice actors isn’t any wiser than we are about it.

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BioWare Gives All 400 ‘MASS EFFECT 3’ Protest Cupcakes To Charity

Some master-baker motherfuckers who were cheesed about the ending to Mass Effect 3  decided to voice their displeasure in the form of cupcakes. They did indeed send them yummy-yums to BioWare, who did the solid and donated them to charity.

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So, I just wrapped up Mass Effect 3  about an hour ago. I did so under the pall of a raging gaming community which has portions literally demanding  a new ending. You know what? Under that pall, with that preparation, I liked that ending. However nothing refines one’s ideas and thoughts like discussion, so let’s do it Omega Level. Let’s discuss the Mass Effect 3 ending. Heavy spoilers past the break.

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Mass Effect 3: More Impressive Than All of Humanity’s Efforts Combined

Mass Effect 3 is undoubtedly the greatest accomplishment in video game history.   It’s like someone built the Colossus of Rhodes on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza that also supports the Lighthouse of Alexandria.   Don’t agree?   Then stop reading right now, we probably aren’t going to see eye to eye on this one.

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