
‘IRON MAN 3’: Four new photos, including a damsel in distress.

Don’t forget about Iron Man 3! Even though it is a ways off, that doesn’t mean you need to have perspective. Leave that nonsense in the trash along with your common sense, and get overly stoked for a film that won’t be arriving until past the Winter’s last bite.

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New ‘IRON MAN 3’ pic of Iron Patriot! Plus, the film is like totally not serious.

I wonder what sort of chuckle heads groaned and gnashed their teeth to prompt these new assurances about Iron Man 3‘s tone. Marvel Movie Czar Kevin Feige has come out and assured everyone that the movie is totally not serious. As though a serious movie would have been the equivalent of the studio bagging a fart and making us fans drink it deep. So don’t sweat, folks. This movie will be replete with the same haha-funny-time as the first two movies. Oh yeah! And if that information doesn’t give you a tingle, there is a new picture of Iron Patriot after the jump.

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‘IRON MAN 3’ Full Trailer: Dark days and ‘splosions for Mr. Stark

The full trailer for Iron Man 3 has dropped, and aside from Ben Kingsley looking dumb as fuck as The Mandarin, everything looks pretty choice. Check the trailer, then drop your impressions.

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Official ‘IRON MAN 3’ PHOTOS: Mandarian, Patriotism and Pepper

Cyeah! With the first trailer dropping tomorrow, there hath been unleashed a torrent of Iron Man 3 photos. You want these inside you. Trust me. They make your bum glow. Also! Some Kevin Feige deets on what’s going on in the pictures.

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‘IRON MAN 3’ TEASER TRAILER: It’s totally extremis!

Shit man, it’s Sunday. I’m not supposed to be hustling about posting things. Here, have an Iron Man 3  teaser trailer. Real jam drops on Tuesday.

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New ‘IRON MAN 3’ concept art has got its star-spangled armor rocking out. ‘MERICA.

Fuck yeah! Star-spangled Iron Man! Powered by freedom fries and whatever piss-centric Light beer you and your buddies drink!

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Oh snap! ‘IRON MAN 3’ ARMOR REVEALED at SDCC. It’s…Different.

You want  a look at Tony Stark’s newest (techno-organic?) armor from Iron Man 3? Of course you do.

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‘IRON MAN 3’ CONCEPT Art is Totally EXTREMIS! Get It? I Know, I Know.

I don’t know why anyone is acting like they don’t totally know that Iron Man 3’s plot is going to be centered around the “Extremis” storyline by Warren Ellis. Lest you remain unconvinced, check out this concept art.

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First Official ‘IRON MAN 3’ Image Has Tony Contemplating Toys of Death

Golly gosh gee wowie! It’s the first official image from Iron Man 3. Snark aside, I’m really looking forward to this flick. The pairing once again of RDJ and Shane Black. The sloughing off of the Avengers  tie-ins. It should be a good coda for the first Anthony Stark trilogy.

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‘IRON MAN 3’ Rumor Reports: MANDARIN and IRON PATRIOT Afoot?

There’s rumors and reports and dribs and drabs coming out about Iron Man 3. Consider the jump to be your spoiler blast shield. Enter all ye who are curious.

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