
‘AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2’ Super Bowl Trailer Teaser: Bro, Catch Her Gently

Amazing Spider-Man 2.

1) Yes, part one. Now they’re splitting up teasers and pimping the reveal of the second halves. 2) Look at Sony’s Wunder-Trailer Gurus trolling Gwen Stacy’s fate with that final shot. 3) I’m really looking forward to this flick.

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Shailene Woodley cast in ‘AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2’ as Mary Jane; Gwen Stacy dies! Maybe.

Double-dip of Spider-Man news concerning a new female and an old female in the flicks. That doesn’t sound…right? Anyways. Yeah. Here we go.

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The Amazing Spider-Man – Is So Amazing the Tobey Aftertaste Is Almost Gone

[As always, spoiler-free and barebones on plot description.  If you want the third act twists spelled out for you, please visit Roger Ebert’s site.]

But seriously:  this film is worth admission alone because this time, they hired a fucking casting director.  Gone is the triumvirate of shit that Tobey, Kirsten and Franco brought to the table.

Director Marc Webb gone and killed it.  You will fall in love with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone in this film.  They’re just glowing with chemistry and love and presence.  Garfield takes a half hour or so to get there, but Stone is just a magnet for attention in every scene, and never in a presumptuous or overbearing way.  They work, and they work very well as the leads in this re-take on Spider-Man’s origin.

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‘THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN’ WonderCon Details: Emma Stone As Mary Jane And More.

Well then! There was some worthwhile fuzz to report from the Amazing Spider-Man panel at WonderCon.  Most notable is the fact that Emma Stone was originally brought in to play Mary Jane, before taking on the role of Gwen Stacy. Wait! – buh! It almost makes too much sense, since Stone is known for his red hair. Despite it being a dye job! A dye job! The horror.

Hit the jump for more details.

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Video: First Clip From ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Is More Like ‘Blasé Peter Parker’

Rendar alerted me to the existence of this clip and told me it was good. I watched it, and asked him why it was good. He then said “well, it wasn’t bad”, to which I agreed. This raised the question, why would The Powers That Be use this clip from The Amazing Spider-Man? Eh!?

Who knows. Hit the jump to check it out.

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Spider-Man Set Photos Feature Gwen Stacy Looking Dour As Hell

Someone is going to a funeral! As Spider-Man begins shooting this week, the first set photos have dropped. Just what the fuck is going on here? Slashfilm speculates that Gwen is attending (spoilers, fools) the funeral of her father. Apparently Father Stacy   passes away in the comic books and implores Spidey to watch over Gwen. Guess he’s going to be pretty upset that its his webbing that snaps her damn neck in the funnies.

But also, why not Uncle Ben’s funeral? Who knows.

Hit the jump for the pictures.

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First Look At Emma Stone As Gwen Stacy


..Sort of? Psyche! Total tabloid title there. But yeah, this is a look at Emma Stone with blond hair. Stone, a natural blond is known for rocking a firey mane. But with Stacy being an Aryan posterchild, she took it back to her roots. Literally! LOL, I’m a comedian. Puns ahoy!

But seriously, she looks fucking gorgeous. And very Gwen Stacy. I’m sold, super sold. I was sold before, and now I’m doubling-down. A double order of yes.

Hit the jump for more pictures of her loving ridiculously Gwen Stacy-esque.

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