
DANERYS TARGARYEN cosplayer uses CRAIGSLIST to find Robb Stark cosplay for sex. Future ++

Action pose!

The future is here, and it is good. One Game of Thrones cosplayer is seeking a Robb Stark cosplayer to quite literally have sex with on the Iron Throne. If this doesn’t make you believe we are allocating our species’ advancement appropriately, there is a good chance nothing will.

Hit the jump for the wonderful advertisement.

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It is arriving!

May 26th is when gluttonous fat-faced television consumption is going to be happening across the Inter-Webs stream. Netflix has announced that such a date will be known as the day when Arrested Development roared up out of oblivion. None shall have the power to deny returning to the life of one of television’s favorite cult gatherings.

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Video: NASA sending another ROBOT TO MARS. Yeah, get that Red Planet goodness.

Complimenting my philosophy of “more shit to Mars, all the time!“, NASA has announced they’re sending another robot to the Red Planet in 2016. Obviously carrying the hidden DNA capsules that will begin vat-growing the first spacemen to secretly colonize the planet. Doi. Google it, you ignoramuses.

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