
Pixelation: Bioshock Infinite Is Why I Do This.

[pixelation | weekly gaming & life column every wednesday or uh thursday]


Dear comrades, sometimes, in my darkest moments, I think about hanging up my blogging shoes. They are crusty shoes, albeit comfortable. More than that, they’re familiar shoes, my toes fitting snugly in them. Right where they should be. Nonetheless, sometimes in a fit of madness and what is exhaustion at vomiting out thousands of words a day, I say, no, I am done.

Then shit like Bioshock Infinite happens.

I exist within a weird nebulous bubble. I am graduated from my undergrad career. Eight years and three million credits later! But I have not wasted away enough hours and dollars to acquire both my Master’s Degree, nor my certification to teach in the lovely state of Massachusetts.

Not yet.

Even within this weird bubble where I have far too many hundreds of pages to blow off and what seems like endless time, fuck, sometimes I get tired of wading into the data stream and culling from it interesting pieces of Non-Essential-But-Intriguing Information.

Then shit like Bioshock Infinite happens.

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