
Space Swoon: Deep space view shows Earth, Venus, and Mars in a single frame. Perspective++

deep space earth venus mars

Ya’ll want a glorious look? Check out this view from deep space, which captures Earth, Venus, and Mars in one frame. Hell fucking yeah!

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Scientists have detected an unexplained glow in deep space. Don’t fuck with it, fellas!

scientists have detected an unexplained glow in deep space

On one hand, it’s pretty fucking cool that scientists have detected an unexplained glow. In the dark of deep space. On the other hand, you know, please don’t fuck with it.

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Kepler Scientists Find Weird Solar System Unlike Anything We’ve Seen Before. Humility ++

Deep space examination continues to improve in its accuracy, and with that it brings continual humility to our speculative asses. How many times do we have to say “oh shit we found something unlike anything we’ve previously thought possible!” before we grab the reins on our humanity swag and drink some humility.

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