
Buy These Flippin’ Comics!!! (5.07.14) Spider-Man and the Rebirth of Cool

Ultimate Spider-Man

Welcome back, friends!  This week we keep it short, sweet, and to the very simple point:  buy these few flippin comics and the rest of your week goes by smoothly and without trouble.  Your grades will improve, perhaps a promotion at work, your sex life becomes blog-worthy, and strangers stop you to comment on your newfound swagger.  You’ll feel like a new person, and for just the price of a few funnybooks.  Sound too good to be true?  Maybe so, but necessity is the mother of reinvention, and like the books recommended this week prove, sometimes looking at old stories in a new way can turn the stagnant into the vibrant, and the once-lame into the new-cool.

Head inside to see what I’m talking about!

(And check out the full list of comics dropping this week right HERE).

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